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Song Play - Direct from Disk
WK3 can play Songs (WK3 format or Standard
MIDI Files [MidiFile] directly from disk.
Note: Loading Songs files into memory is
discussed in the Disk chapter.
The Demo disk supplied with WK3 contains some
WK3 format Songs.
If you have a Standard MIDI File (MidiFile) for-
mat data disk, you can use this instead of the
supplied disk.
“Direct-from-disk” is particularly useful for Song
files that are larger than the available sequencer
1. Insert the disk into the WK3 disk drive.
Refer to the section “General Disk handling
information” in the Disk chapter 6 for infor-
mation regarding the precautions to take
when inserting and extracting floppy disks
from the drive.
2. Press the DISK button.
The Load page appears showing various load
3. Select the “Song” (a) or “MidiFile” (b) option.
Press Function button F2 for Song or Func-
tion button F4 for MidiFile.
The display shows the first Song (a) or
MidiFile (b) on disk.
Song Play - Direct from Disk
WK3 can play Songs (WK3 format or Standard
MIDI Files [MidiFile] directly from disk.
Note: Loading Songs files into memory is
discussed in the Disk chapter.
The Demo disk supplied with WK3 contains some
WK3 format Songs.
If you have a Standard MIDI File (MidiFile) for-
mat data disk, you can use this instead of the
supplied disk.
“Direct-from-disk” is particularly useful for Song
files that are larger than the available sequencer
1. Insert the disk into the WK3 disk drive.
Refer to the section “General Disk handling
information” in the Disk chapter 6 for infor-
mation regarding the precautions to take
when inserting and extracting floppy disks
from the drive.
2. Press the DISK button.
The Load page appears showing various load
3. Select the “Song” (a) or “MidiFile” (b) option.
Press Function button F2 for Song or Func-
tion button F4 for MidiFile.
The display shows the first Song (a) or
MidiFile (b) on disk.