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When you clear the last (bottom) level of an encounter’s dam-
age track, you defeat the encounter. If the encounter has a Van-
The following additional rules apply to dealing damage.
Splitting Damage:      -
ent levels of a damage track, provided you are clearing each level
        
with ), you can  split damage from a single card
between multiple encounters (which includes encounter tokens).
age icon(s). This damage cannot be split, and must be applied with
another card’s damage. In some instances it may indicate a specif-
ic card/Feature the damage must be applied with; if that indicated
applied. If the icon(s) do not include the “+” it is its own damage
and may be applied to any encounter.
Multiple Color Icons: Some encounters have multiple color
icons in a level. This means that the indicated amount of damage
of that color must be dealt in a turn to clear that level; e.g., 2 dam-
age for two icons, 3 damage for three icons, and so on.
Immune to Level Damage: If an icon(s) is square,
then that row of the damage track is immune to level
damage. Cards such as or  
an Immune keyword (see p. 29).
Anywhere on the Damage Track: Some cards allow you to deal
damage to a level “anywhere on the damage track.” You still must
meet the color and number requirements for that level, but it can
be any level.
When an encounter must make a Save, a player reveals the top
card of the corresponding Encounter Deck. If the revealed card’s
color matches the encounter’s color, the Save is a success; if it does
If a card references either an automatic success or failure, do
not reveal a card.
As with Skill Checks, unless a card references an automatic
made, even if card play would not otherwise be allowed.
Save +X: If an encounter includes a “Save +X,” whenever they
are forced to Save, they reveal one card, as normal, and then addi-
ample, Save +1 would reveal two cards, Save +2 would reveal three
cards, and so on.
Skill Checks: While the mechanics are the same, Saves 
ever applies to encounters, while Skill Checks only ever apply to
players (see 
The Orc Warchiefs damage track is
, . The previous player dealt
enough damage to clear the
, so on
your turn, if you can clear the last two levels
by dealing
and damage, you defeat
the encounter.
To show how this works, let’s say Jeremy
damage to the Orc Warchief. He
placed the clip on the card beside that icon,
showing he cleared it.
Chloe takes her turn next and deals
damage, along with
damage, for a total of 4
damage. She moves the clip down to show the next level has been
cleared. Finally, she deals a
damage to clear the last level on
the damage track, defeating the encounter.
When an encounter makes a Save, you’d expect a success to
be good and a failure to be bad. However, that’s not always the
case due to the way the game plays. In the base game, there’s
roughly a one-in-four chance of a Save success. However, for
some encounters to have the appropriate difficulty, that needs
to be switched to more of a three-in-four chance of success. For
example, if you read the Fomorians text, it seems like a success
should allow it to deal more damage and a failure would make
it hurt itself. Since this is a very difficult encounter and needs to
have a good chance of dealing extra damage to the characters, the
success and failure results are switched.
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REPLENISH: Draw no cards.
To the chanting of a dozen snarling
orcs, the warchief steps forward.
In the base game, the only card that
allows you to deal damage anywhere along
the damage track is Feint. Why would you
want to do that? Often it’s a great way to get
around damage limitations. For example,
let’s say your group has a scarcity of blue
damage and the Death Slaad is in play. You
have Crown of Confusion and Feint in your
hand and expect to draw a Lightning Bolt
from your deck. You could play Feint, then
play Crown of Confusion and deal its 2 blue
damage to the third level of the Death Slaad’s
damage track to clear it (as well as using the
Crown of Confusion text effect, of course).
That way, when the Lightning Bolt shows up,
it can hammer those first two tough levels,
leaving only a 3-point colorless level to clear.
When placing a clip to mark damage
anywhere on the damage track, it is strongly recommended that
you also place a clip at the very top of the track to remind you that
the top levels still need to be cleared.
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5+: +1 damage.
7+: +1 additional damage.
Strength: Attack Strength is now +1.
Evil is not just in their nature. They enjoy it.

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