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DeManD rounD
A demand round is a special type of round that resolves
dierently from a standard round. During a demand round,
the players determine if they have met the demand for the
many products and services required by the city. Players
resolve the following steps in order:
1. score investMent
During this step, each player reveals his investment card and
resolves it. Investments are one of the primary ways for a
player to earn . Capital is the measure of a players
success and is necessary to win the game. Each player tracks
his current capital on the capital track by moving his capital
token as he gains or loses capital.
2. Pay DeManD
Demand cards represent consumers’ ever-increasing demand
for goods and services. Meeting the demand ensures corporate
growth, happy stockholders, and the continuation of New
Angeles’ lucrative tax privileges. Failing to meet demand
angers the many politicians whose willingness to ght
corporate regulation extends only as far as the zeroes in their
bank accounts.
Players collectively meet the demand using the resources in
the supply. If each resource in the supply equals or exceeds
the quantity indicated by the corresponding target token, the
demand is met. If at least one resource token fails to reach the
target token on that track, the demand is not met and threat
increases by the amount indicated on the demand card.
3. reveaL DeManD
Players establish the demand that must be paid during the
next demand round. First, they place the currently revealed
demand card on the bottom of the deck and reset the supply
by moving each resource token back to space “0.” en, they
reveal the top card of the demand deck. For each resource,
they place a target token on that resources track on the
numbered space indicated by the demand card.
4. choose investMent
During this step, players choose another investment to
secretly work toward during the next two rounds. All of the
investment cards are shued together to reform the deck.
en, each player draws two investment cards, chooses one to
keep facedown in his play area, and returns the unchosen card
facedown to the top of the investment deck.
Aer investments are chosen, the players move the round track
token to the next space on the track and the next round begins.
winning the gaMe
e game ends during the third demand round aer the Pay
Demand step. At that time, each player reveals his rival card.
Each player that has more capital than the player indicated
on his rival card wins the game. If a players rival is his own
corporation, he wins if he has more capital than at least three
other players (or more than two players in a four-player game).
It is possible (and even likely) for multiple players to win the
game, and at least one player will lose.
e game also ends if threat reaches “25” on the threat track,
signifying political takeover by the United States government
and the end of the corporations’ special economic privileges.
When threat reaches 25, all players lose the game except the
player with the “Federalist” rival card. at player wins the
game if he has at least 25 capital; otherwise, he loses as well.
e federalist is explained in greater detail later.
demand exampLe
e demand that must be paid requires 0 energy,
1 consumables, 3 tech, 4 entertainment, and 2 credits.
e supply has enough of each resource except tech,
so threat increases by 5.
e players reset the resource tokens to “0” on each track.
en, they reveal the next demand card and set the target
tokens to the new target values for each resource.
Laguna VeLasco
ReVeaLed asset
counteRoFFeR suPPLY
secuRItYdeMands assetsInVestMents
deMand deMand deMand
bIotecH constRuctIon MedIa LaboR
MaIn oFFeR
base de caYaMbe
tHe Root
La costa
Fail Result:
Increase threat by 5.
0 eneRgy
1 Consumables
3 teCh
4 enteRtainment
2 CRedits
hostiNg worlDs Cup
Laguna VeLasco
ReVeaLed asset
counteRoFFeR suPPLY
secuRItYdeMands assetsInVestMents
deMand deMand deMand
bIotecH constRuctIon MedIa LaboR
MaIn oFFeR
base de caYaMbe
tHe Root
La costa
Fail Result:
Increase threat by 7.
0 eneRgy
0 Consumables
4 teCh
4 enteRtainment
3 CRedits
Network DisruptioN

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