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DeaLs in DetaiL
Deals are the focus of New Angeles; each deal represents an
opportunity for a corporation to make a powerful ally through
services oered to the city. During a deal, the active player
proposes an action that benets the board, and he attempts to
convince the other players to support that action. e other
players can compete to propose alternative actions, then they
can give support to the action they think is best. e player
whose proposed action has the most support wins the deal.
e process of a deal consists of the following steps:
1. asset
e active player reveals the rightmost asset card below the
turn track (the card whose slot has the highest number), reads
it aloud, and places it faceup in the “Revealed Asset” box of the
board so all players can see it (asset cards are explained later).
2. Main offer
e active player chooses one action card from his hand and
places it faceup in the “Main Oer” box of the board. is is
his  , and throughout the deal, he should try to
convince other players of its importance (see the “Negotiaton
sidebar below).
3. counteroffer
Starting with the player to the le of the active player and
proceeding clockwise, each player has one opportunity to
propose a . To propose a counteroer, that
player chooses an action card from his hand and places it
faceup in the “Counteroer” box of the board.
A player can propose a counteroer even if one has already
been proposed. To do so, he must discard action cards from
his hand equal to the number of faceup action cards in the
Counteroer” box. His counteroer is placed on top of any
other action cards already in the “Counteroer” box, making it
more costly for the next player to propose a counteroer. e
player who proposes the last counteroer is the 
Aer each player has an opportunity to propose a counteroer
(excluding the active player), play proceeds to the next step.
4. suPPort
If there is no counteroer, the players skip directly to the
Resolution step. Otherwise, the players who are not either the
active player or the countering player become 
, who can use their action cards to determine the
winner of the deal.
Starting with the supporting player to the le of the active
player and proceeding clockwise, each supporting player has
one opportunity to support an oer. To provide support, he
chooses any number of action cards from his hand and places
them facedown next to either the main oer or counteroer. If
he does not want to support either side, he can abstain.
e active and countering players are highly encouraged to
negotiate with the supporting players to garner support for
their oers (see the “Negotiation” sidebar).
5. resoLution
e winner of the deal is the player whose oer has the most
facedown action cards next to it. If the main oer and the
counteroer have the same number of action cards next to
them, the active player wins the deal.
e winner of the deal resolves the action card he proposed
for his oer. en, he claims the revealed asset card, placing it
faceup next to his corp sheet. All action cards played as oers
or in support are discarded facedown to the discard pile.
Negotiation is the key to success in New Angeles since
a player rarely wins a deal without the support of other
players. Players should do their best to gather support for
their actions and are highly encouraged to do so through
any means necessary. Sometimes a player can argue that his
action is just what the city needs. However, winners do not
rely on necessity; a promised reward or thinly veiled threat
can be just as persuasive, and nothing greases the wheels of
industry like the simple exchange of capital.
See the “Trading” section on page 14 for more details on
the rules of trading.
Humanity Labor has once again denied any connection between
the advocacy organization and the violent movement Human
First. is comes in the wake of another spate of vandalism
in which dozens of androids, both bioroids and clones, were
destroyed by sledgehammer-wielding activists in “Robot City.
A masked Human First spokesperson released a statement via
shoutcast: “We will never accept being replaced by androids. Take
up your hammer! Take down the golems!”
“We will not stand by while average citizens are terrorized by the
violent and extremist methods of this dangerous movement,” said
Lieutenant Khromova of the Violent Crimes Investigation Division.
Androids are private property and their destruction is a serious
crime.” Speaking o the record, police sources conrm that the
NAPD considers Humanity Labor a public front for Human First.

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