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sPace restrictions anD MoveMent
A district cannot have more than one copy of an outage token,
illness token, and each enemy unit. If any of these components
are placed in a district that already has a copy of that
component, the component must move. Additionally, when an
enemy unit and a prisec unit occupy the same district, that
enemy unit must immediately move.
Districts are connected by 
. Each district has one exiting
movement path that points to another
district. To move a component, place it
in the district pointed to by the exiting
movement path. If the next district also
already has a copy of that component,
it moves again. is process continues
until the component moves to a district
that does not already contain a copy of
it, or until it moves into “e Root” (the
red circle).
If an enemy unit, outage token, or illness token moves into
e Root,” that component is returned to the reserve and
threat is increased by two.
Movement Path
between Districts
Laguna VeLasco
ReVeaLed asset
counteRoFFeR suPPLY
secuRItYdeMands assetsInVestMents
deMand deMand deMand
bIotecH constRuctIon MedIa LaboR
MaIn oFFeR
base de caYaMbe
tHe Root
La costa
mOvinG units exampLe
1. An event card instructs the players to place a Human First
unit in Esmeraldas (8).
2. ere is already a Human First unit in Esmeraldas, so the
Human First unit moves along the movement path to the
next district: Rutherford (9).
3. Rutherford (9) contains a prisec unit, so the Human First
unit must move again to Base de Cayambe (10).
Laguna VeLasco
ReVeaLed asset
counteRoFFeR suPPLY
secuRItYdeMands assetsInVestMents
deMand deMand deMand
bIotecH constRuctIon MedIa LaboR
MaIn oFFeR
base de caYaMbe
tHe Root
La costa
It has been nearly six months since the Water Riots, and activist
groups are still calling for someone to be held accountable. ey
claim that prisec forces under corp control indiscriminately
opened re on innocent civilians. A city attorneys investigation
found insucient evidence to level any charges in the incident. No
corp has ever claimed responsibility for the actions of the prisec
operators in question.
e Liberty Society may limit themselves to acting within the law,
but there are other anti-android groups that are not as restricted.
So-called “underground railroads” exist that claim to smuggle
clones and bioroids to safe havens in Brasilia, ChiLo, or elsewhere
in the worlds. e NAPD urges all citizens with information on
these criminal groups to contact the Android Tracking Task
Android personhood is a settled matter in US courts thanks to the
landmark Supreme Court case Henry v. Jinteki. e ruling was
clear: androids are not legal persons and have no legal protections
beyond those aorded to animals or any other private property.
Despite this decision, organizations such as the Order of Sol
still argue that android ownership is slavery. Other abolitionist
groups, such as Human First, prefer complete extermination
of all androids, routinely moving outside the bounds of the law
to vandalize many units. And, of course, many black-market
trackers masquerade as abolitionists to tap into a ready supply
of accomplices.

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