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Players are highly encouraged to inuence other players via
any means necessary. As such, players can give or trade their
capital and assets to gain support during a deal, to encourage
certain actions to be played, to swap assets, etc. All promises
made by players concerning the future are non-binding—
players can make promises and not fulll them. However, if
both players can immediately and completely fulll the terms
of the trade, they must do so.
Example: Globalsec agrees to give Jinteki two capital if Jinteki
supports Globalsecs oer with two cards. If they agreed to these
terms when it is Jintekis turn to abstain or support, the terms
are binding and must be fullled. If Jinteki promises to support
Globalsec but it is not Jintekis turn to play support, the terms are
not binding; Jinteki receives the capital but is not required to play
cards in support.
eMergency actions
Emergency action cards are unique and
powerful action cards that can greatly impact
the state of the city. Each player starts the
game with the emergency action card that
matches his corporation. ese cards are not
part of a player’s hand of action cards; they
are kept faceup next to his corp sheet.
Emergency action cards can be proposed as oers just like
normal action cards. Instead of being discarded, however,
a proposed emergency action card is returned to the player
with the matching corporation. If the card was the winning
oer for the deal, it is returned facedown and cannot be used
again unless a card eect ips it faceup. If the card was not the
winning oer, it is returned faceup and can be used again.
Emergency Action
Remove up to 4 enemy units
from the city. en, increase
unrest by 1 stage in 2 districts
not in strike or outage.
“I understand that some criticize
our methods, but I want to
emphasize that our operators act
entirely within the law.”
ruthless tactics
corP sheet contracts
Each corp sheet includes a printed . Contracts
provide capital to a corporation when the described condition
is met while resolving an action card. When the condition on a
corp sheet is met, that corporation gains the indicated capital
regardless of which player resolved the action. If a condition
requires a component to be removed from a district, removing a
component from “e Root” does not satisfy that condition.
Asset cards represent executives, crime bosses, celebrities, and
others whose allegiances follow the cash ow. ey provide
players with unique and powerful abilities.
When a player claims an asset, he places
it faceup next to his corp sheet. He can
use asset card abilities as described on
the cards. If he has any assets with the
“End of Turn” header, he can use each
once at the end of each of his turns.
Some assets require a player to  them to resolve their
eects. To exhaust an asset card, it is rotated 90 degrees
clockwise. An exhausted card cannot be exhausted again. A
player  his asset cards at the start of his turn by
rotating them 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Some assets must be discarded to resolve their eects. When
an asset is discarded, place it at the botttom of the asset deck.
DiscarD PiLe
All action cards are discarded facedown
to a single discard pile next to the lower-
right slot on the board with the garbage
can icon. When a player must draw
an action card but no cards remain in
that deck, the cards in the discard pile
are shued, sorted by type, and then
shued into their respective decks.
Actions cards are always discarded facedown. Players cannot
look at facedown cards when they are discarded nor while they
are in the discard pile.
the conflict solution
1 media
2 security
lidiah m
aucher, chief
When an enemy unit
is removed from a
district, gain 1 capital.
Contract on a
Corp Sheet
“End of Turn” Header
End of Turn: Choose
any player. at player
loses 1 capital and
draws 2 action cards
(of any types).
Holds the Leash
Mr. li
Readied Asset
Aer a counteroer
is proposed, you may
exhaust this card to
return the counteroer
to the countering
player’s hand unless he
gives you 2 capital. He
cannot propose another
counteroer this turn.
Media Kingpin
Exhausted Asset
Aer a counteroer
is proposed, you may
exhaust this card to
return the counteroer
to the countering
player’s hand unless he
gives you 2 capital. He
cannot propose another
counteroer this turn.
Media Kingpin
Discard Pile Icon
Laguna VeLasco
ReVeaLed asset
counteRoFFeR suPPLY
secuRItYdeMands assetsInVestMents
deMand deMand deMand
bIotecH constRuctIon MedIa LaboR
MaIn oFFeR
base de caYaMbe
tHe Root
La costa
Tragedy struck today at the New Angeles premiere of the second
season of Friendship, Upgraded when violent demonstrators
linked to the terrorist Human First movement attacked and badly
damaged bioroid star Ronald 5. is is the third time Ronald 5’s
public appearances have been disrupted by similar protests.
A spokesperson for Smart! Media stated that Ronalds brain was
successfully transferred to a temporary chassis and reminded the
media that, as an android, Ronald does not feel pain the same
way a human does.
According to a recent study, there are now 10 million androids
in New Angeles, working mostly low-paying jobs across all
industrial sectors. e same study suggests that those androids
are ve times as productive as humans working in the same
sectors. Over 10,000 of these androids appear to be owned or
leased by private citizens for use inside the home. “At these
rates,” said one researcher, “ten percent of us may be androids
within a decade.

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Art des Missbrauchs:

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