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Jeu Habermaaß N°4503
Tous en scène !
Un jeu de réaction, vachement chic, pour 3 à 5 joueurs de 5 à 99 ans.
Avec variante pour 2 joueurs.
Idée : Michael Schacht
Illustration : Martina Leykamm
Durée de la partie : env. 10 minutes
« Vachement chic ! », c'est le nom du défilé de mode qui va être
présenté aujourd'hui à la ferme. Dans la grange, les mannequins vérifient
nerveusement une dernière fois leur tenue de gala : le lapin Jeannot ses
lunettes de soleil, la vache Rosalie sa robe tyrolienne à fleurs et l'âne
Caruso son chapeau de cow-boy. Alors que le chat Misti se bat encore
avec son nœud de cravate, le rideau se lève et on entend : « Tous en
scène pour le défilé de mode « Vachement chic ! »
1 grange en 3-D
1 carte-rideau
19 grandes cartes d'animaux
19 petites cartes d'animaux
20 fleurs
1 règle du jeu
Memory Variation for Two Players
Preparation of the Game
Spread the animal cards with the green side face up on the table. Get the
barn, the curtain card, the big animal cards and the flowers ready.
How to Play
The player wearing the most colorful outfit starts and performs the first
fashion show.
Secretly choose ten animal cards. The remaining cards are put aside.
Shuffle the cards, pile them up and place the curtain on top. Stick the pile
into the barn so that the curtain can be seen in the opening with the
yellow edge.
Turn the barn so that the other player sees the curtain. With one hand
hold the barn and then with the other hand pull off the curtain and then
quickly one-by-one all the big animal cards.
Watch out! After you pull the cards out immediately place them back
behind the other cards in the barn.
The other player tries to memorize as many animals as possible. As soon
as the curtain reappears in the opening they shout “Stop!” and look for
ten animal cards in the center showing the animals they think they have
seen in the barn.
Together check if small and big animal cards match. For each matching
animal the player gets a flower. For each wrong or badly memorized
animal, the organizer gets a flower.
Then you swap roles and a new fashion show starts.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as each player has performed a fashion show
once. Whoever has collected the most flowers, wins the game. In the case
of a draw both players win.
Hint: You can play several rounds. Agree on the number of fashion shows
each of you will perform (for example three). On a sheet note down how
many flowers each of you has collected per round and add them up at
the end.

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