1 Changing the disc name, In the disc setting menu, select the "Rename disc" option and press
" ENTER " button.
2 Erasing DVD+RW discs, In the disc setting menu, select the "Erase disc" option and press "
ENTER " button..
3 Preventing accidental erasing of discs, To ensure you don't accidental delete a recording you
can protect the entire disc. You can only ever protect the entire disc. You cannot protect
individual recording. In the disc setting menu, select the "Lock disc" option and press "
ENTER " button.
Making edited DVD+RW disc compatible to DVD players, Generally, DVD+RW disc are compa-
tible to normal DVD players without any transformation process. However when you make
edits on the DVD+RW disc by the recorder ( such as creating chapters or hiding chapters),
make edits compatible"on the disc is required for DVD players to recognize the edited tit-
les.In the disc setting menu, select the "Make Compatible " option and press "ENTER " but-
5 Finalizing DVD+R discs, This feature is required to play back a DVD+R disc in a DVD player.
Once the disc has been finalised no further recordings or changes can be made. In the disc
setting menu, select the "Finalize disc " option and press " ENTER " button.