The Weather Cente r can be set to alert w hen a specific weather
condition is reac hed.
The following We ather Alarm settings can be adjusted in the
ALARM setting mode .
• High outdoor temperat ure alarm
• Low outdoor temperat ure alarm
• High outdoor humid ity alarm
• Low outdoor humid ity alarm
• High wind speed alarm
Default a larm values:
32° F
104° F
Low 45% Relative
High 70%
Wind sp eed High 62.0mph
The High and Low outdoor temperatur e alarm can be set On/O ff
independently , according to you r needs.
Set the Outdoor temper ature alarm value (H igh or Low alarm
value) :
1. In the normal di splay mode, press the AL ARM key twice. The
High Outdoor Temperat ure alarm display will be shown.
2. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds. The
temperature digit will start flashing. Press the + or MIN/MAX key
to set the high outdoor temp alarm va lue. (Keep holding t he key
will allow the value t o increase faster.)
3. Press the ALARM key to confirm the setting. The d igit will stop
flashing. Press the SET key to switc h on or off the alarm. (The
showing of the icon (((y ))) means t hat the alarm is switched on.)
4. Press the ALARM key once. The Low Outd oor Temperature alarm
display will be shown.
5. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds. The
temperature digit will start flashing. Press the + or MIN/MAX key
High alarm icon
Alarm-On icon
to set the low out door temp alarm value. (Keep h olding the key
will allow the value t o increase faster.)
6. Press the ALARM key to confirm the setting. The d igit will stop
flashing. Press the SET key to sw itch on or off the alarm. (The
showing of the icon (((y ))) means t hat the alarm is switched on.)
7. Press the HISTORY key or wait for a bout 30 seconds and the
display will return to normal display mode a utomatically.
In case the temperature va lue meets the cond ition for high alarm or low
alarm, the value w ill be blinking, along w ith the corresponding icon ("HI
AL"/ "LO AL").
And the buzzer wil l ring for 2 minutes. User then may press any key to
stop the ring.
User may quit the alarm se tting and return to the no rmal display mode
by pressing the HISTORY key.
The High and Low outdoor humidity alarm c an be set On/Off
independently according to your n eeds.
Set the Outdoor temper ature alarm value (H igh or Low alarm
1. In the normal di splay mode, press the AL ARM key 4 tim es. The
High Outdoor Humidity alarm display will be shown.
2. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds. The humidity
digit will start flas hing. Press the + or MIN/MAX key to set the high
outdoor humidity alarm value.
3. Press the ALARM key to confirm the setting. The d igit will stop
flashing. Press the SET key to sw itch on or off the alarm. (The
showing of the icon (((y ))) means t hat the alarm is switched on.)
4. Press the ALARM key once. The Low Outdoor hum idity alarm
display will be shown.
5. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds. The humidity
digit will start flas hing. Press the + or MIN/MAX key to set the low
outdoor humidity alarm value.
6. Press the ALARM key to confirm the setting. The d igit will stop
flashing. Press the SET key to sw itch on or off the alarm. (The
showing of the icon (((y ))) means t hat the alarm is switched on.)
7. Press the HISTORY key or wait for a bout 30 seconds and the
display will return to normal display mode a utomatically.
In case the humidity value meets the conditi on for high alarm or low
alarm, the value w ill be blinking, along w ith the corresponding icon ("HI
AL"/ "LO AL"). And the buzzer wil l ring for 2 minutes. User may press
any key to s top the s ound.
The High wind s peed alarm can be set by following the steps below .
1. In the normal di splay mode, press the AL ARM key six times. The
High wind-speed al arm display will be s hown.
2. Press and hold the SET key for about 2 seconds. The wind speed
digit will start flas hing. Press the + or MIN/MAX key to set the high
wind speed ala rm value.
3. Press the ALARM key to confirm the setting. The d igit will stop
flashing. Press the SET key to sw itch on or off the alarm. (The
showing of the icon (((y ))) means t hat the alarm is switched on.)
4. Press the ALARM key once to return to the norm al display mode.
In case the wind speed ex ceeds the condition fo r high wind speed
alarm, the value w ill be flashing, along w ith the corresponding high
alarm icon ("HI AL"). And the buzzer will ring for 2 minutes. User may
press any key to stop the s ound.
To compensate for fluct uation of the measured data, which may c ause
the weather alarm to sound co nstantly if the measured reading is close
to your set level, a hy steresis function has been i mplemented for e ach
weather alarm. F or example, if the high te mperature alarm is set to
+77°F and the current value moves to +77°F, the ala rm will be activated
(if it has been enabled). Now when the temperat ure drops to +76.8°F or
below and thereaft er again increases to bey ond +77°F, t he data will be
blinking, but no a larm will be activate d. It has to drop to below +75. 2°F
(with a pre-set hys teresis of 1.8°F) so that t he alarm can be produced
again. Hysteres is values for the various w eather data types are g iven in
the following tab le:
Weather data Hysteresis
Temperature 1. 8°F
Humidity 3 % RH
Wind speed 3.1 mph
The temperature or humi dity data will keep o n flashing even afte r a key
has been pressed to st op the alarm or buzzer has be en switched off, to
indicate that the c urrent weather co ndition is out of the pre-s et limit(s)
Weather forecasting i cons are displayed in a ny of the followin g
combinations at the right bottom part o f LCD:
For every sudde n or significant change in the air pressure, the weather
icons will updat e accordingly to represent th e change in weather.
(Every time a new average pres sure value has been obta ined (once per
minute), this valu e is compared with an interna l reference value. If t he
difference betw een these values is bigger than the s elected weather
tendency sensitivi ty, the weather-icon changes , either for worse or for
better. In this case, the current pressure v alue becomes the new
weather tendency reference.)
If the icons do not change, either the air pressure ha s not changed or
the change has been too small for the Weather Center t o register. So
you may adjust th e "sensitivity" of the pressure c hange checking in t he
SETTING above.
However, if the icon dis played is a sun or raining c loud, there w ill be no
change of icon if t he weather gets any better (wi th sunny icon) or worse
(with rainy icon) sinc e the icons are already at their extremes.
The icons display ed forecasts the weather in terms of getting better o r
worse and not nec essarily sunny or rainy as e ach icon indicates. Fo r
example, if the cu rrent weather is cloudy and t he rainy icon is display ed,
it does not mean t hat the product is faulty becaus e it is not raining. It
simply means that th e air pressure has dropped an d the weather is
expected to get w orse but not nec essarily rainy.
After setting up, readings for weat her forecasts should be disregarde d
for the next 48- 60 hours. This will allow sufficient time for the W eather
station to collect air press ure data at a constant altitude and therefore
result in a more accurate forecast.
Common to weather fore casting, absolute acc uracy cannot be
guaranteed. The wea ther forecasting feat ure is estimated to have an
accuracy level of about 75% due to the varyi ng areas the Weather
Center has been desig ned for use. In areas that experience sudden
changes in wea ther (for example from sunny to rain), the Weathe r
Cloudy with sunny