Center will be more accura te compared to use in areas where t he
weather is stagnant mo st of the time (for example mostly sunny).
If the Weather Center is moved to another locati on significantly higher
or lower than its initi al standing point (for example fro m the ground floor
to the upper floo rs of a house), discard the we ather forecast for the next
48-60 hours, as the Weather Center may mis take the new location as
being a possible change i n air-pressure w hen really it is due to th e
slight change of altitude.
Working together wi th the weather icons is the weather tendency
indicators (arrow locat ed on the left and right s ides of the weather
icons). When the indica tor points upwards, i t means that the air-
pressure is increasing and the weather is expe cted to improve, but
when indicator p oints downwards, t he air-pressure is dropping and the
weather is expect ed to become worse.
Taking this into a ccount, one can see how the we ather has changed
and is expected t o change. For example, if the indicator is pointing
downwards toge ther with cloud and sun icons, then the last noticea ble
change in the we ather was when it was sunny (t he sun icon only).
Therefore, the next change in the weather w ill be cloud with rain ic ons
since the indicator is poi nting downwards.
Once the weathe r tendency indicator has regis tered a change in air
pressure, it w ill remain permanently visualized on the LCD.
The bottom section of the LCD also shows the rel ative air pressure
value and the air pressure his tory.
Depending on prog ramming conditions, display of the history of air
pressure is in the form of a graph consisting of v ertical bars.
The bar graph of the ele ctronic barometer shows t he air pressure
history of the past 12 hours in five 3-hour steps.
The horizontal axi s represents the last 12 hours a ir pressure recording
(-12, -9, -6, -3 and 0 hour). The bars are plotted at each of t he 5 steps
and give the t rend over the recorded period. The scale on the right
Air pressure
changes in in Hg
Air pressur e
changes in hP a
compares the result. Th e "0" in the mid dle of this scale det ermines the
current air pressure.
The vertical axis represents the air pres sure changes in inHg (+0.1 2,
+0.06, 0, -0.06, -0.12 . The “0” represents the current ai r pressure). The
newly measured press ure was compared to t he previously recorded
pressure reading. The pressure change is e xpressed by the diff erence
between the current ("0h") and the past readings in division of ±2 hPa
or ±0.06 inHg. If the bars are rising, this indicate s that the weather is
getting better du e to an increase in air pressure . If the bars go dow n it
indicates a drop of the a ir pressure and the we ather is expected to get
worse from the pre sent time "0".
At every full hour, the curren t air pressure is used as a basis for the
display of a new grap h bar. The existing g raph is then moved o ne
column to the l eft.
For accurate barometric pressure trend, th e Weather Center should
operate at the same alt itude. For example, it should not be moved.
Should the unit be m oved, for instanc e from the ground to the sec ond
floor of the house, the read ings for the next 48-60 hours shall be
The bar graph wi ll scroll right to light regularly to prevent LCD burnout.
In normal display mode, the second section of the LCD shows the
following w ind data.
• Wind direction (show n on the a compass scale of 16 divisions )
and wind speed/ gust in Beaufort s cale
• Wind chill in °F or °C
• Wind Speed in km/h, m ph or m/s
• Gust in km/h, mp h or m/s (displayed when in Mode 2, by pressing
the SET key shortly)
Pointer indica tes the
current ly detect ed wind
Text showin g wind speed
in Beaufor t scale
Wind speed or gust will be show
This alar m symbol
indicates t hat the alarm
is set On
Wind chi ll
The total rainf all and 24 hour rainfall mea surement is dis played in the
fourth section of the LCD, in the unit of mm or in ch.
To View the 24-ho ur rainfall or the Total rain fall reading:
1. In normal display , press SET key once and the disp lay will shift to
Mode 2.
2. Press + key consecutively k ey to toggle between th e 24-hour
rainfall, Tot al rainfall and Rel. p ressure reading.
The weather station can store up to 140 sets of weather data which are
recorded automatically at 3-hour intervals afte r the weather station is
powered up, at the nearest time of 0: 00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00 , 12:00,
15:00, 18:00 an d 21:00. For instance, if us er has manually set t he time
as 14:52 after inst alling batteries , the first history reco rd will be made at
the coming 15:00 aut omatically. Then the s econd record will be on
18:00 and so on.
Each weather record includes the Wind direction, Wind speed/ gust in
Beaufort scale, Wind chill temperature, w ind speed/gust, dew point,
Outdoor temp and humidi ty, relativ e pressure, 24-hour rainfall a nd total
rainfall, press ure history and weather tenden cy. Also, t he time and date
of recording will be displayed.
In order to acquire the correc t time of recording of t he history records,
you shall manua lly set the current time as soo n as installing batteries to
the weather statio n. Afterwards, y ou should avoid changing t he pre-set
time as it will als o alter the recorded "time of recording" of each history
record, which may lead to c onfusion.
To view th e weather histor y:
1. In normal display, press t he HISTORY key. The lat est weather
record will be shown w ith the date and time of reco rding. The
"HISTORY " icon will be disp layed at the bott om of the LCD.
2. W hen viewing His tory record s, user ma y shift to see the Mode 1
or Mode 2 data by pressing the SET key.
(Mode 1: with wind speed + outdoor Temp + Rel. pressure;
Mode 2 : w ith wind gust + Dew point + rainf all data)
24 hour
rainfall icon
rainfa ll
24 hour rai nfall
Tota l rainfall
Note: If user wants to choose to view total rainfal l or 24-hour rainfall in
history records , he shall first in normal dis play choose to show the
particular rainfal l data, the press Histo ry key an d SET key t o view the
particular rainfal l data in History record s.
3. When v iewing His tory recor ds, press MIN/ MAX to v iew olde r
(Press MIN/MAX and + key to view "Previous" and "Next" record
respectively. The records are made at 3-hour int ervals)
• The stored history records will not be retain ed after batte ry
change or whenev er battery is removed.
• The total rainf all value will be exhibit ed in whole number (no
decimal place) in t he history record.
The weather station w ill record the maximum and min imum value of the
various weather d ata with time and date of recording automatica lly. The
following stored maximum and minimum weat her data can be viewed
by pressing the MIN/MAX key in normal display mode.
1. Min outdoor tem perature with the date and time of recording
HIST ORY ic on
MIN outdoor
temperatur e
valu e
Time and d ate of