- It is only permitted to run the unit on lead-acid solar station combines two devices in one. The unit
Attention!! Important safety
batteries with a minimum capacity of > 40Ah supplies DC consumers with a rated voltage of 12V
instructions!! (C5). and a max. output of 96W as well as AC
- Only solar modules with 33 to 36 cells may be consumers (230V AC 50 Hz cos phi>0.8) up to a
- Caution - danger! At its output end this unit used as the power source. On account of its max. output of 200W. The 12V lead-acid storage
supplies an alternating current of 230V which limiting control according to the shunt principle, battery connected as an energy store is protected
can prove life-threatening if touched. the unit is not suitable for wind generators or against detrimental total discharge or overloading.
- Caution - danger! This unit does not belong in other generator sources. The unit is designed for use in dry rooms and for
the hands of children! If in a household with - Bear in mind that solar modules supply power stationary wall mounting. In the case of non-
children there is a risk that the unit could be as soon as they are exposed to light. During designated use, the operator or the person putting
operated inadvertently, corresponding safety installation, it is therefore advisable to cover the unit into operation must ensure that the
precautions, as with electric sockets, must be over the modules to shut out the light. relevant regulations are complied with.
taken. - The connection sequence specified must be
- Caution - danger! When operating protection adhered to! Disconnection is carried out in Total Discharge Protection
class 1 AC consumers (devices with shockproof reverse sequence (see installation). Lead-acid storage batteries must be protected
plugs or PE connection) the earthing of the - The unit has an internal fuse protection for the against total discharge, otherwise the cells will
power converter output must be made via the positive battery lead as well as the DC sustain permanent damage (sulphation) On
PE connection at the back of the device or via a consumer lead. In order, in the event of a short reaching the cut-off voltage point, all the
corresponding earthing of the battery's minus circuit, to limit the current to the battery lead in consumers are cut off. The cut-off takes place
connection. Make sure that in accordance with accordance with the line protection, the battery unipolar via the negative load connection. It is not
the regulations the housing as well as the PE lead must be correspondingly fuse-protected possible to reconnect the unit until the battery has
connection are connected internally to the (e.g. via a fuse sited immediately at the battery's been recharged up to the step-back threshold. This
battery's minus connection. Under no plus pole). ensures that the battery leaves the discharged
circumstances earth the neutral conductor - Consumers which for functional reasons are not state as quickly as possible.
connection at the output end. allowed to be isolated from the battery via load
- Even when the device is switched off, shock- breaking, must be connected directly to the Overcharging Protection
hazard voltage can still be present at the AC battery via a fuse. The unit protects the battery against detrimental
output end due to precharged capacitors. - Batteries can supply high currents which despite overcharging. It is suitable for all types of lead-acid
- Under no circumstances should the unit be corresponding fuse protection can damage batteries with a minimum capacity of 40Ah (C5)
operated under adverse environmental equipment and cause personal injury. If provided that the charging limits specified by the
conditions! following a short circuit, heat develops under battery manufacturer are complied with. Once the
Adverse environmental conditions are: ambient unfavourable conditions this can lead to fire. You charging limit has been reached, the charging
temperatures over 40°C, inflammable gases, should therefore avoid short circuits and current of the solar module is correspondingly
solvents, vapours, dust, relative humidity over observe the voltage specifications as well as the governed according to the shunt principle. This
80 %, as well as wet conditions. correct polarity of the components. charging procedure is referred to as "IU-charging“
- The unit may only be operated in dry, closed - Service and Repair and charges the battery in a particularly careful
rooms. Fuses may only be replaced with types of the and quick way. The charging limit occurs
- If safe operation of the unit can no longer be same current rating. The repairing of fuses or irrespective of the previous state of discharge.
assumed, then it must be put out of service the bridging of fuse holders is not permitted.
immediately and safeguarded against Service work or repairs may only be carried out Sine-Wave Power Converter
inadvertent use. Safe operation is no longer by authorized specialist personnel. Before The solar station features a genuine sine-wave
assured if the unit shows visible signs of service work is carried out, the unit must be power converter on which AC consumers can be
damage, has sustained damage in transit or has disconnected from the battery and service run without restriction within the specified power
been stored under unfavourable conditions. modules. To allow the unit to discharge to below range. Please bear in mind that some consumers
- Under adverse conditions (e.g. failure of the shock-hazard voltages, wait 3 minutes after all have increased switch-on currents which deviate
charge controller, extremely high room the power sources have been terminated. from the specified power input. At the point of
temperatures) lead-acid storage batteries can switch-on, light bulbs, for example, use up to 5
release hydrogen into the surrounding air which times more current. With consumers, such as
Description of Function /
can lead to the formation of explosive drilling machines or refrigerators, the current at the
electrolytic gases. In accordance with the Intended Use point of switch-on can exceed the specified power
relevant regulations, batteries must therefore be rating many-fold
installed at a well ventilated location. With the integrated solar charge controller and the
230VAC sine-wave power converter, the SHS 200
LED Indicators
The unit has two LED`s to indicate the status
Green LED Red LED Status
Lights up OFF Unit is operative. Everything OK.
Lights up Flashes Power converter running for short time over rated output. This operating state is permitted for a limited period of time.
OFF Flashes Unit cut off due to non-permissible overloading of power converter. Af ter expiry of waiting time, the unit automatically
switches back to the ready-to-operate state.
Lights up Lights up Warning T otal discharge! The battery voltage has dropped below the total discharge threshold, but the cut-off voltage
point has not yet been reached.
OFF Lights up The battery voltage has reached the cut-off voltage point, the connections to the consumers will be cut off. The unit
will switch back on once the step-back threshold has been exceeded.
OFF OFF No voltage applied or an instrument fuse has been activated.
Retain these installation, operating and maintenance instructions for the full duration of the operator’s service life!