After the fire begins to burn and the draft is strong enough, bigger logs or wood briquettes might be added
without the danger of smoke. Continue stoking the amount of fuel determined based on the nominal output of
the fireplace stove.
2. Fireplace stoves without grate - only secondary air is used for burning; therefore wood logs need to be
stoked first, then chopped wood and finally small cuttings and paper. After starting fire, let it burn freely with all
air regulation elements open. It is forbidden to use flammable liquid (oil, petroleum, etc. ) for starting fire!
After the fire begins to burn and the draft is strong enough, bigger logs or wood briquettes might be added
without the danger of smoke. Stoke no more than the amount of fuel determ ined based on the nominal output of
the fireplace stove.
Fuel consumption is always stated in the technical sheet. Burning in tensity is regulated by air intake controls
or, if a smoke shutter is installed, by limiting th e draft in the chimney. Larger amount of fuel or a strong draft
and air take might cause overheating and dam age of the fireplace stove. Too weak draft leads to glass
blackening or to a smoke escaping into the room when opening the door and stoking fuel.
Warning: Fireplace doors must always be closed, with the exception of the first heating, stoking fuel and
removing ash. When the fireplace stove is not in operation for a longer period of time, it is necessary to check
that the flue pipes, chimney and combustion chamber are clear. In general, the heating up and cooling of the
fireplace insert is accompanied by a specific sou nd; this is intended.
5.4 Stoking fuel
In order to prevent smoke escaping into the room when stoking fuel, please follow the following procedure:
Approximately 5 or 10 seconds before opening the fireplace doors open the air intake regulators and then only
slightly open the stoking doors, wait for few seconds for the exhaust gas to get sucked into the chimney and only
then fully open the door. When opening the stoking door, a special attention must be paid to the danger of hot
fire-brands falling out. After stocking fuel, close the door again. After the fuel starts burning (with clear fire),
return the regulator back to its original positio n. The amount of stoked fuel should correspond to an hourly
consumption value for the concrete fireplace stove (see the technical sheet). Overheating can permanently
damage the fireplace stove construction.
Warning: To prevent exhaust gas es caping into the room during stoking add fuel after its burning down on
the glowing base.
5.5 Operation during the transition period
The chimney draft (sucking exhaust gas from the fireplace stove) might be weaker during th e transition
period, i.e. when the outside temperature is higher than 15°C , during rainy and humid days or during gust airs.
During this period the fireplace stove should be operated with the minimum possible fuel so that the fire, as well
as the chimney draft could be improved by opening the air intakes.
Tip: During this period a so-called atmospheric plug can be created in the chimney mouth due to the draft
conditions. The plug can caused smoke escaping into the room when lighting fuel. W e recommend letting a
piece of paper burn down preferably in the upper part of the com bustion chamber before lighting the kindling.
This seemingly negligible smoke is enough to break through the atmospheric plug. Afterwards you can freely
light paper (or solid fire-lighter PE-PO) and be sure that even a humid chimney is clear.
In this period it is also possible to use the sam e lighting method as for the fireplace stoves without grate (with
no ashpan).
5.6 Ash removal
Make sure that the ashpan is cleaned when being half full in order to p revent the ash reach ing too close to the
grate and thus damaging it. At the same time the ash would block the intake of air required for burning.
Removing ash from the ashpan should be carried out when the fireplace stove is cold and preferably ready for
the next heating. A vacuum cleaner designed for clean ing ash with a filter for small filth can be also used for
cleaning the cold ashpans or heater without ashpans. Ash from burnt wood can be used for composts or
fertilizing. Store the ash in closed non-flamma ble containers.
Warning: Make sure that the ash does not contain any glowing remains of wood that could cause fire in the
waste container.
Warning: For some fireplace stove types the ashpan is located in a basin under the grate and cannot be
removed from the side. The ashpan can be rem oved only when the heater is cold and not in operation. The
ashpan is accessible after lifting the grate.
Be careful when removing hot ash!
5.7 Cleaning the glass
The cleanliness of the window is influenced not only by the using of suitable fuel, providing sufficient air
intake and chimney draft but also by the method of operating the fireplace stove. In this respect we recommend
stoking only one layer of fuel and distributing the fuel as even ly as possible and as far from the glass as
possible. This also applies for briquettes (the distance between them should be 5 to 10 mm). If the glass
becomes dirty, try increasing the burning intensity by opening the air in take and the glass will clean its elf.
Sooty windows can be cleaned in cold state using newspapers or wet cloth dipped in wood ash,
alternatively using a spe cial cleaning agent designed for fireplace stoves. While cleaning the glass with chemical
detergents, prevent them from soaking into the insulation cord between the glass and the door frame. Do not use
cleaners that could scratch the window!
6. Cleaning and maintenance
Your fireplace stove is a high-quality product and no significant defects will appear during normal operation.
The fireplace stove and exhaust pipes should be checked thoroughly before and after the heating season.
Clean the fireplace stove only after it cools off!
6.1 Cleaning the fireplace stoves / disassembly of chamotte
All sediments in flue pipes and combustion space must be removed during cleaning. Repair, ideally by
removing, all fallen-off parts of the chamotte lining. The integrity of the chamotte lining mu st be monitored also
during the heating season. Spaces between individual chamotte fittings serve as a heat dilatation preventin g
cracking of the fittings and m ust not be filled by filling material as w as usual with older types of solid fuel
heaters. Cracked chamotte fittings are still functional until they fall out! Bulk shutte r for directing th e draft,
if used, should be removed during cleaning (this enables easier access to the space above them ). The fireplace
stove cleaning (with the exception of glass) should be done without water cleaner, i.e. using only vacuum
cleaner or steel brushes. Any modifications of the fireplace stove are unaccepta ble. Use only spare parts
approved by the manufacture r. Disassembly of chamotte (see the Cham otte chamber). From tim e to time th e
friction areas of the door hinge and the closing mechanism should be oiled using carbonic fat or grease designed
for high temperatures. Close the fireplace stove with corresponding slide valves when not in operation.