1. The following warranty and claims conditions are processed in accordance with relevant prov ision of the
Civil code and the Consumer protection act.
2. The seller is obliged, if requested by the consumer, to issue a purchase receipt or service receipt including
date or purchase or service, type of product or service, price of product or service, together with identification
information of the seller, i.e. the name and surname, company nam e, alternatively their id entification number,
address or place of business, unless determ ined otherwise by a special legal regu lation.
3. Warranty period granted for this product is 24 months. The warranty period beg ins upon accepting the
product by the consumer. For products that need to be put into operation by an au thorized or professional
company the warranty period begins only after the product is put into operation, provided the purchaser
ordered the given company to put the product into operation within 3 weeks from accepting the product and
provided all necessary cooperation.
4. Warranty applies to all manufacturing defects and material defects originating provably during the warranty
5. Warranty does not apply to wear and tear and further to:
-defects caused by unsuitable or unprofessional service or modifications, connecting to insufficiently sized
chimney or chimney with low draft, inadequate handling or use, failure to adhere to conditions of use and
maintenance (see Operation manual).
- defects caused by mechanical damage
- when the product is stored in humid and unsheltered place, or is used an environment other than the home
- defects caused by natural disaster, weather conditions or violent damage.
- when warranty seals or plagues with serial numbers are damaged.
-damage during transport (in case of transport at your own risk). When transported via an external
transportation servic e - any damage must be dealt with on the spot.
- if the inform ation on the warranty certificate or purchase receipt differs from the data on the manufacturer
6. Extended warranty period does not apply to expendable mate rial used for the repair or exchange of the stove
7. Warranty must be claimed at the seller, where the product was purchased. However, if the warranty certificate
states a different business for the repair, which is closer to the seller or to the purchaser, the pu rchaser is to
claim the warranty at the business designated for the repair. The business designated for the repair is obliged
to perform the repair within a tim e limit arranged between the seller and purchaser.
8. The seller is obliged to issue a confirmation including the date of claim, subject of the warranty and the
required method of settling. Furthermore, another written confirmation must be issued within 30 days on
performing the repair, date and method of settling, including confirmation on performing the repair and its
duration, alternatively a written explanation of warranty refusal. This obligation applies other subject
designed for the repair.
9. Within the first 6 m onths from the purchase the warranty claim will be treated as a contrad iction with the
contract of purchase in accordance with t 616 of the Civil code. In months following afterwards the warranty
claims will be regulated by t 622 of the Civil code, depending on whether the defect is rem ovable or not.
10. Warranty claims are only accep ted and processed for the purchaser.
11. When transferring item s for warranty, the pur chaser is obliged to inform and eventually document the type
label of the product and a detailed description of the defect (e.g. in which mode and how the defect m anifests,
how long after combustion, description of operation of the item before the defect etc.).
12. When applying the warranty, the purchaser is obliged to prove that the product is being warranted at its
seller and that the warranty period has not expired. The most suitable documents in th is regard are:
- sales document
- confirmed warranty certificate
- confirmed transfer protocol
13. Other procedures not adjusted in these warranty and claims conditions follow the appropriate provisions of
the Civil Law and Consumer Protection Law.
Purchaser: .....................................................................................................................
Realization address: .....................................................................................................
Contractor (person responsible for construction): ...................................................
List of documents: ........................................................................................................
List of defects and outstanding work: ........................................................................
List of variations from the project (the approved documentation): .......................
Construction permit no.: .............................................................................................
Date: ......................................... Issued by: .........................................................
Technical supervision of the investor: ........................................................................
Date of commencement of transfer: ...........................................................................
Date of termination of transfer: ..................................................................................
Date of complete clearing of the workplace: .............................................................
Warranty begins on: ....................................................................................................
First combustion allowed on: ......................................................................................
The purchaser confirms by signature that he will be respo nsible for ensuring
the security of the received building from third persons!!!
Contractor (signature): ............................. Date: .............. In ......................
Purchaser (signature): ............................... Date: .............. In ......................