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Arrange the chairs in a circle, giving each
player a few inches of space on either side of
him or her. Some Moderators prefer to play
with a table (or tables) in the center of the
chairs, as it allows for an easy place to put name
card tents and a place for players to put their
cards. Some Mode rators like the intimacy
created by empty space be tween the players,
which also allows them to walk into the middle
of the circle. If possible, allow for enough space
between the chairs and the walls so that the
Mode rator can walk behind the players, and so
that the players who are killed can leave the
circle but still watch the game.
If youre playing with people who dont know
each other, provide a name card tent (a small
folded piece of paper) and marker to each of the
players. Name badges/stickers for the players
work great as well.
the moDerator sCorepaD
e Moderator score pad helps you to keep
track of roles and other special circum stances
de pen ding on the roles and variants that youre
playing with.
When you are setting up the game, list the
special roles on the le column (a Seer and the
rst Werewolf are preprinted). Circle the moon
to the le of each of the roles that has to be
called each night.
Enter the roles in the order that they should be
called (e.g. Werewolves before Witch), as shown
in the list on page 22.
On the first night, write the name of the player
with that role to the right of the role. If you
arent using name card tents or badges and dont
know the players names by heart, use
descriptors like Hawaiian shirt to help you
remember the person in each role.
Use the other columns to track victims (this is
especially useful in games with lots of roles
called out each night so you dont forget who
was targeted), cult members, and other special
events as necessary.
shoulDer tappinG
Some special roles require tapping the shoulder
of a player to alert them to a new role, a new
power, or something else. As a rule, tell the
player that if they are tapped on the shoulder
they should open their eyes. Tap the players on
the shoulder during the appropriate call for
things like passing the Amulet of Protection,
letting the Apprentice Seer know that the Seer is
dead and that she is the new Seer, telling
someone that they are the new Cult Leader, etc.
tiltinG the Game
Dierent roles have diering amounts of impact
on each team, indicated on the lower le corner
of each card. e higher the positive number,
the more in favor the game will be for the
Villagers.e greater the negative value, the
more in favor the game will be for the
Werewolves.e numbers are guidelines, but
keeping the sum close to zero will result in the
most balanced game possible.
If your group contains a lot of people who dont
know each other, the Werewolf team will have
an advantage. Add about +5 points worth of
special roles in order to balance the game.
If your group contains mostly experienced
players who have played Ultimate Werewolf
together, the Werewolves need a boost. Add in
+5 to an experienced group when balancing the
Ultimate Edition
Cult Leader
Aura Seer
Cult Members
WW Targets
Peg_WERWOLF_2015_Regel_US_RZ.indd 8 08.04.15 13:25

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