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niGhttime pronoun usaGe
When calling out roles at nighttime, try to
refrain from gender-based pronouns like he
and she, and his and hers. Its a natural part of
speaking to do this, but this can give
information to the group that would be unfair
if you happen to be accurate.is tends to be
more of a problem later in the game, oen
when a single Werewolf remains, so be extra
aware of avoiding pronoun usage then.
moDerator mistaKes
You may make a mistake when moderating.
Because of the hidden nature of roles, it might
be dicult for the players to tell you (for
instance, if you accidentally kill a dierent
target than the Werewolves indicate). In most
cases, if you can correct the mistake by stating
that you made a mistake and undoing
something, without having a nega tive impact
on the game, thats the best thing to do. If its too
late, and the mistake has had an impact on
gameplay in favor of one team or another, try to
balance the mistake if possible.
If you forget to call a role or do something else
at night, put the players back to sleep
immediately and correct the mistake.
Ultimate Werewolf is a great team
building ex ercise when played properly.
Its a great way to get to know people on a
team that doesnt normally have a great
amount of interaction, and a fun way for a
team to build relationships on a personal
level. Ultimate Werewolf provides several
stimulating problem-solving tasks that
help group members develop their
capacity to work effectively together,
including decision-making, logic, and
especially the ability to convey their
opinions and build trust within their
Ultimate Werewolf can be played in mee-
tings, following presentations, as part of
larger work shops, and as a refreshing break from
back-to back seminars, edu cation programs, or
cor porate training. Ultimate Werewolf games
may be adap ted for virtually any setting, young or
old players, large or small groups, and across
post-Game analysis
An important part of team building exercises is
the participants reflection and discussion
about the activity, how they approached the
situation, and possible points oearning.e
post-game discussion is the area that the
Moderator/faci li tator should focus on.
Immediately following a game of Ultimate
Were wolf, have a focused group conver sation
about the game, how things played out, and
why dierent players chose die rent actions
through out the game.
First, separate the players into their res pective
teams, then have each of the partici pants
briefly talk about their experience in the role
that they had. Dont let the special roles
overshadow the plain Villagers: being a Villager
and keeping under the radar or being falsely
accused can be just as intri guing as one of the
more visible roles.
Peg_WERWOLF_2015_Regel_US_RZ.indd 10 08.04.15 13:25

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