1. Battery installation / bowl alignment
1.1 Remove feeder lid by pressing down lid and pushing in
the spru ng clips on b oth sides (Fig. 3). L ift the food bowl
off the feede r bas e and r emov e the b atte ry cov er by
releasing the retaining clip (Fig. 4).
1.2 Inse rt 3 x A A batte ries usin g the orie ntat ion s ymbo ls
marked on the inside of the compartment. Replace the
battery cover .
Afte r a sh ort p erio d of self test ing, the c lock ( 3 , Fig. 2)
will s how 12:00 AM o utli ned by a hi ghli ght frame w ith
four feeding time indicat ors ( 5 - 8 , Fig. 2), show ing
– – : – – beneath.
T emporarily replace the food bowl an d lid. If the lid and bowl
are not correctl y a ligned, re move lid then press ADJ/SE T
and UP buttons together to 3 secon ds to achi eve alignm ent.
Good qu alit y a lka line ba tter ies should no rmal ly last
approximate ly 12 months (dependent on use). Y ou may use
all popular batteries including rechargeable and 1.5v lithium
batterie s but the low battery indicat or will only work corr ectly
with standard alkaline batteries.
2. Setting the clock
NO TE: T o change clock between 24 hour and 12 hour
(AM/PM) formats, press and hold the ADJ/SET b utton
together with the DO WN arrow button until the f ormat
If at any point dur ing setting a button is not pressed within
30 seconds, all digits will stop flashing and any adjust ments
made will rev ert to default/previous settings .
2.1 If n ece ssar y , mov e t he highli ght frame to outli ne the
clock display using the UP or DOWN arrow buttons. T o
set the clock, press and hold the ADJ/SET button for 5
seconds until the hour figure starts to flash. Press the
UP or DOWN arrow buttons to adjust the clock to the
correct hour .
2.2 Pres s the ADJ/ SET bu tton and the min ute figu re wi ll
flas h. Adj ust u sing the UP or DO WN arr ow but tons .
Press ADJ/SET to save the setting.
3. Meal time setting
The C500 feeder w ill automati cally serve meals at the same
time (s) every d ay o nce you hav e se t th e req uir ed me al
times. For example, if you require one meal a day you need
only set the time for MEAL 1 to allow feeding up to 4 days.
If yo u req uire 2 me als e ach day you will nee d to s et t he
times of MEAL 1 and MEAL 2 to allow feeding up to 2 days.
Y ou may set up to 4 meals per day .
Set your pet’s required daily meal times as follows:
NO TE: Meal times will automatically sort into chronological
order (ear liest to latest time) on the display . The ne xt meal
will be served at the next progr ammed meal time.
For example (see Fig. 5), the current time is 15:00, so the
next meal will be served at 17:00.
3.1 Pres s th e UP or DOW N ar row button s to mo ve t he
highligh t frame to ME AL 1. Pres s and hold th e ADJ/SET
button for 3 sec onds until the M EAL 1 h ours starts to
flash. Set the hours for MEAL 1 using the UP or DOWN
arrow buttons. Press ADJ/SET to save setting.
3.2 The minute fig ure will f lash . A djus t us ing the UP o r
DOWN arrow buttons. Press ADJ/SET to save setting.
NO TE: Meal times can only be set in 10 minute
Repeat 3.1 and 3.2 for remaining daily meals if required.
3.3 T o ca ncel a m eal time setti ng u se t he UP or D OWN
arrow buttons to highlight frame the relevant meal time.
Pres s an d ho ld the AD J/SE T but ton until meal t ime
flashes. Then press the UP and DOWN arrow buttons
toge ther unt il the time dis appe ars and dis play
shows – – : – – .
4. T esting your C500 feeder
Y our C 500 feeder is manufact ured from top quality material s
and is assemb led to comply with r igorous qualit y standards.
Consequentl y , it should give you m any years dependable
use. Howe ver, we reco mmen d you e nsu re its corr ect
operat ion with your cat(s ) w hile you are in attenda nce by
completing set up as follows:
4.1 Fill th e r equi red numbe r o f b owls , s tart ing clock wise
from ‘1’ (only fi ll bow l ‘0’ if an imm edia te mea l is
required). T ake care not to overfill the food bowls in
order that the rotating lid is not fouled.
4.2 Insert two pre-frozen ice packs and replace food bowl
aligni ng ‘0’ on food b owl (B1, F ig. 1) with ‘0’ on base unit
(D1, Fig. 1). (If the ‘0’ on the food bowl does not align
with the ‘0’ on the base unit, press the ADJ/SET and UP
arro w bu tton s to geth er for 3 se con ds t o ac hiev e
4.3 Finally , replace feeder lid ensuring the sprung clips on
each side click into position and place unit in required
position. The meal in the bowl numbered ‘1’ will be
served at the next programmed meal time.
4.4 Always turn feeder off after use (see Section 9 below).
5. Especially for cats
When leaving your cat , do not forge t to make adeq uate toile t
arrangements for it. Cats and particularly kittens, should no t
be left alone for long periods without someone to check
periodically that all is well. We also recommend the use of
a CA T MA TE fountain for supply of fresh water.
6. Especially for dogs
Most small dogs will readily adapt to an automatic feeder ,
but you are recommended to supervise your dog's first few
encounters to ensure that it is unlikely to damage the unit
- which may be a problem with puppies.
4 5
When leaving your dog, do not forget to make adequat e
toilet arrangements for it. Dogs, and particularly puppies,
should not be left alone for long periods without someone
to check periodically that all is well. We also recommend
the use of a DOG MA TE fountain for supply of fresh water .
For extra stability the feeder may be attached to a wooden
baseplate as follows:
6.1 Remove the feeder lid and food bowl. Place feeder in
desir ed po sitio n on wooden bo ard, locate the m ould ed-
in reta inin g clip s (F , Fig. 1) and mark a scre w hole
using a su itabl e scr ew do wn th rough the centre of each
hole. (Fig 6).
6.2 Brea k o ut the ret aini ng clip s b y c aref ully cu ttin g
retaining webs with a sharp knife (Fig. 7).
6.3 Repl ace clips in ho les with the fl at side o f t he c lip
uppe rmos t and s crew to boa rd at marke d scr ew
positions using suitable screws (Fig. 8).
6.4 Turn clip s to lo ck/u nloc k fee der to wood en bas e
(Fig. 9).
7. Hints on food storage
Y our C500 feeder is designed for use with all pet foods.
The C500 should always be used with its ice packs unless
the surrounding temperature is less than 5°C. (40°F .). T o
freeze the ice packs before use, place in a free zer for at
leas t 6 hour s. Spa re ic e pack s are av aila ble f rom yo ur
dealer or directly from www .pet-mate.com.
When using your C500 feeder with wet food, ensure that
the fo od com es fr om a fre shly open ed can /pac k. If th e
weat her is v ery wa rm, you are advi sed n ot to lea ve wet
food for long per iods and may pref er t o se rve d ry f ood,
whic h has b ette r keep ing q uali ties . If in d oubt , plea se
consult the manufacturer of your cats’ wet food.
8. Positioning of feeder
The C500 feeder should be used indoors or in a garage or
outbuilding and should be placed in a cool corner , shaded
from sunlight and away from moisture.
9. T urning the feeder off and on
T o turn off the feeder and keep the programmed settings,
press and hold the UP and DOWN arrow buttons together
until ‘OFF’ is displayed on the LCD. Repeat the procedure
to turn the feeder back on.
10. Changing the batteries
When the low battery indicator ( 2 , Fig. 2.) flashes on the
LCD, alkaline batteries need replacing.
• T o keep the clock and all the m eal sett ings , y ou must
remove and re place all of the batterie s within 60 se conds!
• DO NO T pr ess an y b utto ns dur ing th e remo val or
replacement of the batteries. Doing so will reset the unit
and you will need to re-programme your settings.
• It i s recomm end ed to remove the batter ies when t he
feeder is not to be used for prolonged periods.
1 1. Cleaning
The C500 feede r is very easy to clean . The lid a nd bow l
may be w ashe d i n a dis hwa sher. The base unit can b e
wiped with a damp cloth. Under no circumstances should
the base unit be immersed in water .
1. Einle gen der Batterien / Ausrich ten der Näpfe
1.1 En tfernen Sie den Futterbeh älterdec kel, indem Sie auf den
Deckel drück en u nd d ie K lipps an beiden Seite n
hinunter schieben (Abb. 3). Heben Sie den Futternapf vom
Grundger ät ab und ent fernen Sie den Batter iedeckel , indem sie
den Halt eklipp lö sen (Abb. 4).
1.2 Le gen Sie drei AA-Batterien ein, w obei Sie unbedin gt die
Richtung ssymbole im Batterie fach beac hten. Setz en Sie den
Batterie deckel wi eder auf .
Nach kur zem Selb sttest e rscheint im LCD- Display ( 3 , Abb. 2) die
optisc h herv orgeho bene Zeitanzei ge 12: 00 AM mi t zwei Fütte rzeite n
( 5 - 8 , Abb. 2) daru nter , die zunächst – – : – – anzeige n.
Setzen Sie nun de n Futter napf un d den Deckel vorüb ergehend
wieder ein. W enn Deckel und Nap f nicht or dnungsge mäß
ausgeric htet si nd, en tfernen Sie den Dec kel un d drüc ken da nn zum
Ausricht en 3 Se kunden lang gleichzeitig auf die T aste ADJ/SET und
die AUFWÄRTS-Pf eiltaste .
Alkali-M angan-Bat terien von gute r Quali tät halt en im Normalbet rieb
ungefähr 12 Monate (je nach V erwendu ngshäufi gkeit). Sie können
alle handel süblichen Batterien ein schließli ch 1,5 V Lithiumb atterien
verw ende n. Die Nied rige Batt erie -Anz eige fun ktio nier t jed och nur mit
Alkali-M angan-Bat terien r ichtig.
2. Einst ellen der Uhr
HIN WEI S: Um die Uh rz eit anga be zwisc hen dem 24 -St und en- F ormat
und dem 12-Stunden-Format (AM/PM) umzustellen, drücken Sie
gle ichz ei tig auf die T aste ADJ /SE T un d di e AB WÄR TS-Pf ei lta ste und
halten b eide gedr ückt , bis sic h das An zeigef or mat ändert.
Wenn eine fällige T aste beim Einstellen nicht innerhalb von 30
Sekunden gedrüc kt wird, hören alle Zif fe rn zu blink en auf . Dar aufhin
ke hren die jewe ils vorg enom mene n Ein stel lung en au f ihr e Sta ndar d-
bzw . früher er fo lgten Ein stellung en zurüc k.
2.1 Fa lls erfo rderlich, verwend en Sie d ie AUFWÄRTS- o der
ABWÄR TS-Pfeil tasten zum V erschie ben der hervorgehoben en
Uhranzei ge. Zum Einste llen der Uhr drü cken Sie auf die
ADJ/SET -T aste un d halten Sie dies e 5 Sekun den lang gedrückt ,
bis die Stunden -Ziff ern zu blinken begin nen. Zum V erstellen der
gewün scht en Stu nden anzei ge drücken Sie auf die AUFWÄ RTS -
oder ABWÄRTS-Pf eiltaste n.
2.2 Drück en Sie au f di e ADJ/S ET -T aste , wo rau fhi n di e Minute nzi f fer n
zu bl inken begi nnen . Zum V erst ellen drüc ken Sie wie gewünsc ht
auf die AUFWÄRTS- oder ABWÄRTS-Pfei ltasten. Zur
Speicher ung der E instellun g drücke n Sie auf ADJ/S ET .
• Read all ins truc tion s befor e insta lli ng or usin g this
Regis ter your purchas e on-lin e at www .p et-ma te.co m
(se e g ua ran te e).
• Do not allow children to play with this product.
• Inspec t produ ct regul arly f or corr ect ope rati on and
damage. Do not use if in doubt.
• This pr oduc t is desi gned for use w ith pets only, a s
described in these instructions.
• Dispose of all packaging material properly .
NO TE: Plastic bags could cause suffocation - keep
awa y from children and animals.
• Bitte lesen Sie vor dem Einbau oder der V erwendung dieses
Produkts sämtliche Anweisungen.
• Registrie ren Sie I hr Pro dukt onlin e unte r www .pet-mat e.com
(siehe Garantie).
• Lassen Sie keine Kinder mit diesem Produkt spielen.
• Pr üfen Sie das Produkt regelmäßig auf or dnungsgemäßen
Betr ieb und mög lich e Anzei chen von Beschä digun g. Im
Zweifelsfall soll es nicht verwendet werden.
• D iese s Pro dukt ist n ur ge eign et zu r Verwendu ng mi t
Haus tiere n und nur wie in der vo rlie gende n
Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben.
• Entsorgen Sie alle V erpac kungsma teriali en ordnu ngsgemäß .
HINWEIS: Plastikbeutel können Erstickungsgef ahren
verurs achen und müs sen außer Reichw eite v on Kind ern u nd
Tieren gehalten werden.