The wired remote controller needs to be mounted in a location that is readily accessible to the driver. The remote is used to control a number of functions
such as main volume, sub volume, Punch EQ, source selection, EQ preset selection. The remote cannot be used when the processor is connected to a PC.
Once connected to a PC the remote simulator assumes all control from the wired remote level control.
Wiring the system
If you do not feel comfortable with wiring your new unit, please see your local Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer for
Before installation, disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal to prevent damage to the unit, fire and/or possible injury.
Avoid running power wires near the low level input cables, antenna, power leads, sensitive equipment or harnesses. The power
wires carry substantial current and could induce noise into the audio system.
INPUT Connections
1. Plan the wire routing. Keep RCA cables close together but isolated from power cables and any high power auto accessories, especially electric motors.
This is done to prevent coupling the noise from radiated electrical fields into the audio signal. When feeding the wires through the firewall or any metal
barrier, protect them with plastic or rubber grommets to prevent short circuits. Leave the wires long at this point to adjust for a precise fit at a later time.
2. Securely mount the 3Sixty.3 unit to the vehicle using the supplied hardware. Please refer to the “Mounting locations” section on page 6 to select a good
location. Always check the opposite side of the mounting surface to ensure that there is nothing that can be damaged before fastening the unit down.
3. Prepare the BLK wire (ground cable) for attachment to the power connector harness. Solder or crimp connect the BLK ground wire from the vehicle to the
BLK ground wire from the 4 pin harness. Prepare the chassis ground by scraping any paint from the metal surface and thoroughly clean the area of all dirt
and grease. Solder or crimp a ring connector to the other end of the wire and fasten the cable to the chassis using a non-anodized screw and a star washer.
NOTE: Keep the length of the BLACK wire (Ground) as short as possible.
4. Prepare the RED wire (power cable) for attachment to the power connector harness. If you are connecting directly to the battery, or a high current circuit
ensure the wire is equipped with a 5A fuse. Solder or crimp connect the RED (B+) wire from the vehicle to the YELLOW (B+) wire from the 4 pin harness.
5. Prepare the BLUE wire (REM OUT) for attachment to the power connector harness. Solder or crimp connect the BLUE wire from the amplifier(s) (REM IN)
to the BLUE wire from the 4 pin harness.
NOTE: The BLUE wire (REM OUT) can turn on up to three amplifiers without the use of an external relay.
6. Prepare the BLUE/WHT wire (REM IN) for attachment to the power connector harness. Solder or crimp connect the BLUE/WHT wire from the head units
(REM OUT) to the BLUE wire from the 4 pin harness.
NOTE: The BLUE/WHT wire (REM IN) can also be connected to the vehicles +12V ACC power for vehicles without an aftermarket head unit.
NOTE: For systems using high level inputs the 3Sixty.3 is equipped with signal sensing turn on, in which case the BLUE/WHT wire is not used. The
signal sense circuit is on channel 1, so channel 1 must be connected and must see a 6VDC offset to turn the unit on.
7. Insert the power connector into the Power Input port on the 3Sixty.3.
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