8. There are four different input options to select from; Low Level. High Level, Optical, Aux.
Low Level (RCA)
If using the RCA inputs, connect the RCAs from the source unit into the input jacks of the 3Sixty.3.
NOTE: DO NOT chassis ground any of the leads as unstable operation may result.
NOTE: Follow the diagram for proper signal polarity.
NOTE: The 3Sixty.3 can be set up to create a 8 channel output with only 2 channels (Left and Right) of input. However, for the best sound stage, it is
strongly recommended to connect into all of the outputs from the vehicles factory system. (AUX not required). If you are not using all 8 inputs
(Front/Front2/Rear/Center/Sub) you can SUM the inputs during configuration under the OEM system. Keep in mind that if
you choose to use SUM, all left channels selected will form one signal and all right channels selected will form one signal. Stereo imaging will
be maintained but your fader may cease to function depending on the channels selected to sum.
High Level
If using the high level input, solder or crimp connect the high level inputs (speaker) from the source unit into the matching connections of the 16 pin
connector for the 3Sixty.3 high level input. Insert the high level connector into the High Level Input port on the 3Sixty.3.
NOTE: Make sure to maintain signal polarity when using the high level inputs. Failure to do so may cause undesirable phasing effects and the signal
sense may not turn on the unit.
NOTE: Using both the RCA and High Level inputs will cause undesirable operation. However the AUX input can be utilized with any other input, RCA
and Optical inputs can also both be utilized at the same time.
If using the Optical input , connect the Optical output from the source unit into the Optical input of the 3Sixty.3.
NOTE: Supports stereo PCM audio (S/PDIF max 48KHz/24 bit).
If using the AUX RCA input, connect the RCA output from the sources to the AUX input of
the 3Sixty.3.
NOTE: Follow the diagram for proper signal polarity.
9. The wired remote can mounted in a variety of ways, mounting tab up or down, or the
back of the remote housing can be removed by using a small flat screwdriver allowing the
remote to be flush mounted.
Mounting tab installation
a) Using the supplied screws, install the mounting clip.
b) Slip the remote onto the mounting clip until it snaps into place.
c) Insert the cable into the remote.
Panel Install
a) Cut out a 2 3/16” x 3/4” hole in the panel, with a maximum panel thickness of
3/8”. Ensure there is enough room within the panel area for connection.
b) Route the cable through the hole and insert the cable into the remote.
c) Press the remote into the panel cutout until it clicks in place.
Route the cable for the remote on the signal side of the vehicle, away from any high current
wires. Insert the cable into either of RF Link ports.
10. Insert the Bluetooth dongle into the wireless port with the indexed side of the dongle
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