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Wisdom 3 DC Manual
© 2002 Design, 2011 Doc. No. 12-5274-r01 (8/31/11)
GAUGE MODE DATA screen (Fig. 16)
Alpha graphic DATA
Alarm icon (if all alarms set On)
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• GAUGE graphic (indicating operating mode)
Altitude level graphic if > Sea level as LEV2 (through LEV7), or outr (out of range)
While viewing the GAUGE DATA screen -
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button accesses the PLAN screen.
The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
The PLAN screens are accessible during a new activation period or greater than 10 minutes after surfacing
from a dive.
By pressing the front (Advance) button 2 times while the TIME/WET screen is being displayed (TIME/WET
> DATA > PLAN), or 1 time while the DATA screen is being displayed, you can access the PLAN screen rep-
resenting the Mode you set the Wisdom 3 to operate in (Nitrox or Air). If set for Gauge operation, PLAN is
While viewing the PLAN screen, pressing and releasing the side (Select) button increases the Planned Depth
in increments of 10 feet (3 meters), displaying the information one screen at a time. Holding the button de-
pressed scrolls through the screens at a rate of 4 per second.
Information provided includes Depths and allowable no-decompression dive times (NDLs) for Depths from
30 to 190 feet (9 to 57 meters).
If the limiting time factor is Nitrogen controlled, the N2 Bar Graph displays all green and yellow segments.
If Oxygen controlled, the green and yellow segments of the O2 Bar Graph are displayed.
For Depths where no time is available, 00 appears for Time and the DECO segment of the N2 Bar Graph
ashes. The graphic PO2 and O2BG (green/yellow) ash on the last PLAN screen (allowed time = 00).
The tables in the back of the manual list predicted Plan values for Altitudes from Sea Level to 14,000 feet
(4,270 meters).
Calculations within the Wisdom 3 change based upon each 1,000 feet (305 meter) increase in Altitude
above Sea Level (above 3,000 feet/915 meters).
Due to the tolerance of the sensor and atmospheric con-
ditions at the time, it is possible for a Level (LEV) to be displayed that differs from the actual Altitude.
AIR MODE PLAN screen (Fig. 17)
Alpha graphic PLAN
• No Decompression Limit (hours:minutes), 3 dashes if no time available
AIR graphic (indicating operating mode)
• Plan Depth and graphic (Feet or Meters)
• Cylinder Pressure and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• N2 Bar Graph No Deco segments (ashing if DECO)
NITROX MODE PLAN screen (Fig. 18)
Alpha graphic PLAN
• Maximum Depth for PO2 of 1.60 and graphics (Maximum and Feet or Meters)
• No Decompression Limit (hours:minutes), 3 dashes if no time available
• NITROX graphic (indicating operating mode)
• Plan Depth and graphic (Feet or Meters)
• FO2 set point and graphic
• Cylinder Pressure and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• O2 Bar Graph, all segments (ashing if O2 Limit exceeded)
Fig. 17 - Air Mode Plan
Fig. 18 - Nitrox Mode
Fig. 16 - Gauge Mode

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