3. Stellen Si e die minimale Gaszufuhr ein, i ndem Sie die By pass-
Schraube mit einem Schlitzschraubend r eher drehen .
Je nach Gasart , auf die S i e umstellen (siehe Tabe l le III), müs-
sen en tspr echend e Schritt e durchgef ührt werden:
A: d ie Bypass - Schrauben gan z anziehen.
B: die B ypass- S chr auben bis zum korrekt en Gasa ustrit t an de n
Brennern l ockern: stelle n Si e sicher, das s der Brenner bei ei ner
Um s tellung des Bedienknebels von der höchsten auf die nied-
rigs te Stufe nicht ausgeht und nicht z urückschlägt.
C: die Bypass - Schrauben müssen von einem autorisierten
Fachmann ausgetauscht werden.
D: nehmen Sie keine V eränderungen an den Bypass-Schrau-
ben vor .
Wenn S i e nicht a n die Bypass-Schraube g el angen sol lten,
bauen Si e die Fettauffangsc hal e, die m it dem r estlichen Koc h-
feld mittels eines Clip-Befestigungs systems und Schrauben ver-
bunden i st, aus. Zum Abnehmen gehen Sie wi e fol gt vor:
1. Nehm en Sie alle Roste, B rennerdeckel, Verteiler und Bedien-
knebel ab .
2. Entr ieg eln Sie das K ochf eld (si ehe Ausbau des Kochfe ld es).
3. Nehm en Sie die u nt eren Befestigungst ei le der F ettauffang-
sch a le ab. Ab b. 9
4. Lös en Sie die Sch r auben d er Brenner.
5. Verwend en Sie den bei un serem Kundendienst erhältli chen
Demontagehebel 483196. Lösen Sie die vordere Clip-Befesti-
gung , inde m Sie den He bel in den m arkierten Bereichen anset-
zen. Abb . 9a.
6. Nehm en Sie die Fettauffangsc h ale ab.
Für den Wie derei nbau d es Gerätes folgen Si e den Ausbauan -
weisungen i n umgekehrter Re i henfolge.
Um di e Di ch t hei t z u ge wä hr l eis te n, mü ss en alle Knebeldicht un-
gen eingesetzt werden. Die Dichtungen sind für den f ehlerfreien
Betrieb des Geräts un er lässlich, da sie das Eindri ngen von Flüs -
sigkei t en und Schmutz ins Ge r äteinn er e ver hindern.
Stecken Si e d ie Bedi enknebel wieder auf.
Bauen Sie niemals d i e Achse des Gashahns aus (Abb. 10). Bei
einer Störung den komple t ten Gashah n ersetzen.
Bringe n Si e d en Aufkl eber mit d er umgestellten G asart in der
Nä he des T ypensch ildes an.
In sta ll ati on in str uct io ns
Safe ty precaut ions
Rea d t he a ppl ianc e in stru ctio ns b efo re in sta llin g an d us ing.
The graphics i n thes e Assembly instructions are g i ven as a
gui de on ly .
The m anu f actu r er i s e x e mp t f r om a l l li abi l it y i f t his m an ua l' s
r eq uir em ent s a re not co mp li ed wi th.
All operati ons relati ng to inst allat ion, regulat ion and
conv ers ion to ot her gas types m ust be carri ed out by an
author ise d inst allat ion eng ineer , respec ti ng all a pplicab le
regulat io ns, standar ds and the speci ficat ion s of the local gas
and elect ri city pr o viders.
Y ou a re recomm ended to conta ct the T echnic al Assista nce
Service to con v ert t o ano ther gas t ype.
Before y ou begi n, turn off the applian ce's el ectri city and gas
supply .
This appliance has b een designed for home use onl y, not for
comme r cial or profes sio nal use. This appliance cannot be
installed on yachts or in carav ans. T he warranty wi ll only be valid
if the appliance is us ed for the p urp ose for which it was
de signed .
Befo re ins t alli ng, check t h at loca l dis tr ibu tio n condi t ions (gas
type and p r essure) and th e appliance's adjustment ar e
com pat ib le (s ee t abl e I). The ap plian ce 's a djus tme nt c ond ition s
are written on the label or t he specifications plate.
This appliance c an only be installed in a well-ventilated place in
accordance wi th ex i sting regulations and ventilation
specifications. Th e ap pliance m ust n ot be conn ect ed t o a
combustion prod uc t removal device.
The supply cable must be attached to the unit to prevent it f rom
tou chin g hot p arts of th e oven or h ob.
Applianc es with el ect rical supply m ust be e ar thed .
Do no t tam per wit h the a ppl ia n ce ' s i nte r io r. I f ne ces s ar y, cal l ou r
Techn ical A ssistanc e Ser vice.
Before ins talling
This appliance is class 3 t yp e, according to the EN 30-1-1
regulation for gas appliances: built-in app l iance.
The uni ts n ext to t he appliance mu st be m ade of non-flammabl e
materi al s. The lam inated covering and glue for adheri ng it must
be heat r esista nt.
This applianc e c annot be i ns talled above fridges, was h ing
ma chines , dishw ashers or simi lar.
An oven m ust have forced ventilation to i nstall a hob ab ove it.
Check th e dimens i ons of the ov en in the installation manual.
If an ext ractor fan is i nstalled, you m us t follow the installation
man u al' s i n st r uc ti o n s, al wa ys k ee p in g a mi n im u m di s ta nc e of
650 mm t o the hob.
Preparation of the kitche n unit ( fig. 1-2 )
Make an ap propriate size cut in the work s urface.
If the hob is electric or mixed ( gas and e l ectricity) and there is
no oven below, place a non-flammable separator (e.g. metal or
plywood) 10 m m from the b ot tom of the hob . This will prevent
ac cess to the base of the h ob.I f the h ob is g as, i t i s
recomm end able to place t he s eparator at the sam e distance.
On wood work s ur faces, varnish the cutting surfaces with a
s pecial glue. This pr otec ts the m from moist ure wh ich co uld
collect und er t he work surface.
Installa tion of a ppliance
D epend i ng on the mod el, th e adh esive s eal may be f actor y-
f i tte d. If this is the case, it sh ould no t b e remov ed u nder a ny
cir cumsta nces, si nce the adhe si ve seal p revent s leaks. If the
seal has not been factory-fitted, apply it to the u nd erside of the
hob . F ig . 3 .
Fit ting the appli ance o nto t he ki tch en uni t:
1. Scr ew eac h on e of the clip s into the positi on i ndicat ed so tha t
the y are free to ro tate.
2. Ins ert and centr e the hob.
Pres s the sid es of t he hob un til it is supp orte d aroun d its ent ire
peri mete r .
3. Tu r n the c lips a nd t ighte n the m fu lly.
The positio n of th e clip s depen ds o n how thick t he work
surfac e is. F ig. 4 .
Remov al of hob
Turn off t he appliance's electricity and g as suppl y.
Unscrew the clips an d pr oceed i n the reverse order to
ins tal lat ion.
Gas connection ( fig. 5 )
The end of the inlet connect i on point of the g as hob has a 1/2”
(20.955 mm) thread that allows for:
■ fixed connection .
■ conne ct ion us i ng a flexi ble metal p i pe (L min. 1 m -
max . 3 m) .
The watertight seal (034308) supplied must be inserted
be twee n the man ifold outl et and the gas suppl y.
You m ust prevent the pipe from coming into contact wi t h
moving part s of the kitchen un it (for example, a d rawer) and
prevent ac cess to any spaces which m i ght become ob st ructed.
If you need to conn ect the g as su pp ly hori zontally, our tec h nical
assistance service can supply you with an L-t ube
(code 173018), and a seal (code 034308).
If you n eed to make a cyl i ndrical c onnection, replace t h e factory-
fitted L-tube with the one i n th e accessory bag. Fig . 5a.
Please rememb er t o insert the se al .
: Dang er of leaks!
If any connection is han dled, check th e seal.
The manufacturer i s not li ab le for any connection l eaki ng, after
bei ng han d le d.
Electr ic connection (fig. 6)
Check t hat the voltage and power of the ap p liance are
comp at ible with the e l ectrical installation.
The hobs are supplied with a power cable with or wit hout a wall
soc k et p l ug .
A ppliances with p lugs mu st onl y be conn ected to sock ets tha t
have ea r th wires correc tly install ed.
Pr ovide an omn i pola r cut-o ff swit ch with a minim um co ntact
opening of 3 mm (except for plu g connections , if the user has
access to i t).