T r ailz
user guide
• Never fold the strol ler with a chi ld nearb y .
Alwa ys keep th e child cle ar of an y moving pa r ts
when maki ng adjust ments.
• Do not use the seat un it of this prod uc t as a car
• Always hid e the carr y hand les compl etely in the
pockets when no t in use.
• Thi s product is not suitabl e for running or s kating .
• Do not use this produ c t with an y acces sories not
recommended by St okke.
• Do not use Xplory Seat unit on th is chassi s.
• The black tires ma y lea ve ma rk s on some sm ooth
oors such as syntheti c lami nates , parquet an d
• Manufac turers re comme nded tire air -pressure
for the U S 0, 7bar /1 0,2 psi and for Ca nada
0 ,5ba r /7 ,2psi . The wheel itself is des igned for
a maximum p ressure of 2 ,4bar /3 5psi . Only
use man ual pump t o inat e the tires. U sing
compressor ma y cause the tire/rim to burst.
• Maximum permiss ible load for th e integrat ed
shopp ing bask et is 1 0 kg / 2 2 lb.
• NEVER use the strolle r to go up or do wn stairs
with you r child in the strol ler , you ma y suddenly
lose con trol of the stroll er or your ch ild ma y fall
out. U se of the stroller on stai rs with a child in it
coul d also da mage the stroll er . Always re move
your ch ild from the strolle r before using the
stroller on s tairs.
Impor tant inf ormat ion
Parcels or acces sor y items, o r both, place d on the u nit may caus e the uni t to
beco me uns table.
Maximum perm issible lo ad for b ags and ot her pack age ca rr ying acce ssor ies:
2 kg / 4.4 lb
The Shoppi ng Bag is d esign ed to car r y a load of ma ximum 10 kg / 22 lb.
The Changin g Bag is d esigne d to car r y a load of ma ximum 2 kg / 4.4 lb.
Maintenance: Re gularly maintain you r stroller by cleaning i t. Ensure th at
all fun ct ions wor k prop erly. If any defe c ts are f ound, cont ac t your ret ailer.
No ad ditional padd ing shall be add ed unle ss reco mmende d by the manu
fac turer.
The padding mus t always be placed wi th the tex t ile opening f acing down.
Always lock th e brakes w henever t he produ ct i s sta tionar y.
Do not hang any e x tra b ags on thi s str oller. Only bags sup plied by Sto kke
are recommended.
Never lif t the s troller s eat with a c hild in it. N ever use t he rail fo r lif ting t he seat.
This chassis shall only be used in the follo wing combinations:
Stok ke® T railz™ Cha ssis + Stok ke® Stroller Seat
Stok ke® T railz™ Cha ssis + Stok ke® Stroller Car ry Cot
Stokke® T rail z™ chassis + Stok ke® Car seat adap tor + Compat ible car s eats
Right of complaint and E x tend ed W arr ant y
Applicable world wide in resp ec t of Stokke® T r ailz™ , he reinaf ter refer red
to as the p roduc t.
Right of compl aint
The cu stom er has a rig ht of complaint p ursuant t o the consu mer prote ct ion
legis lation app licable at any gi ven time, whic h legislat ion may var y f rom
countr y to co untr y.
Gener ally speak ing, STOKK E AS doe s not gr ant any addit ional rig hts over
and above t hose lai d down by th e legislat ion applic able at any given t ime,
altho ugh ref erence is ma de to the ”E x ten ded Warr anty ” de scr ibe d below.
The r ights of t he cus tomer un der the con sumer prote c tion le gislation
applic able at any given t ime are addi tional t o thos e under th e ”Ex te nded
Warrant y ” , and are not af fec ted t hereby.
Stokke ”E x tend ed Warr ant y”
However, STOKKE A S, Parkgata 6, N- 6 003 Åles und, Nor way, grants
an ”E x tende d Warrant y ” to cus tomer s who re giste r their pro d-
uc t in our Warran ty Dat abas e. This may be d one via our w ebpage
w ww.sto kkewar rant y. com. Up on regis tr ation, a war rant y cer ti fic ate will be
issue d and sen t to the cu stome r elec tro nically (e-mai l) or by ordinar y mail.
Regi str ation in t he Warrant y Dat abas e entit les the ow ner to an ”E x tende d
Warrant y” as f ollows:
3-y ear warranty agains t any manuf ac tur ing def ec t in the p roduc t.
The ”E x tend ed Warrant y ” also app lies if t he produ ct h as bee n receive d as
a gif t o r purchas ed se cond- hand. Cons eque ntly, the ”E xt ended War rant y”
may be invoke d by whoe ver is the ow ner of the p roduc t any given t ime,
wit hin the war rant y per iod, and su bjec t to th e warra nty cer t if icate be ing
pres ented by t he owner.
The STO KKE ”E x tende d Warran ty ” is co ndit ional
upon the following :
Nor mal use.
The pro duc t only havin g been u sed f or the p urpo se for w hich th e produc t
is intended.
The produc t having unde rgone ordinar y maintenance, as descr ibed in
the maintenance/in str uct ion manual.
Upon t he ”E x tended War rant y” b eing invoked, t he war rant y cer tif icate
shall be pr esente d, toge ther wi th the o riginal da te-s tamp ed purch ase
receipt . This als o applie s to any secon dar y or subs equent ow ner.
The pro duc t appear ing i The s erial numb er of the pr oduc t not havin g
bee n des troye d or remove d.
The STO KKE ”E x tende d Warran ty ” do es not cove r:
Issue s caus ed by nor mal develo pment s in the par t s mak ing up the pr oduc t
(e. g. colo uratio n change s, as well as wear and t ear) .
Issue s caus ed by mino r variat ions in mater ials (e.g. discolora tion be t ween
p a r t s).
Issue s caus ed by ex t reme inf luen ce from e x ternal f ac tor s like sun/light,
temperature, humidit y, environmental pollution, etc.
Damage c ause d by accident s/mishaps - f or ex ample any oth er objec t s
having bu mped into t he pro duc t or any per son havi ng over tur ned th e
produ ct b y colliding wi th it. T he sam e applies i f the pr oduc t has b een
overlo aded, f or ex ample in ter ms of the weig ht placed on i t.
Damage inf lic te d on the pro duc t by ex ter nal inf luence, fo r
exa mple when t he pro duc t is being s hippe d as luggag e.
Consequent ial damage, for example damage inf lic ted on any pers ons
and/or any other obj ec ts .
If the p roduc t has b een f it ted wi th any acces sori es that have n ot been
supplie d by Stokke, the ” Ex ten ded Warr ant y” shall laps e.
The ”E x tend ed Warran ty ” shall not ap ply to any acces sor ies tha t have been
purcha sed or su pplied to get her wit h the pro duc t, or at a sub sequ ent date.
STOKK E will un der the ” Ex ten ded Warr ant y”:
Replace or – i f STOKKE t hus pre fer s – repair th e defe c tive pa rt , or the
produ ct i n its e ntiret y (if ne cess ar y) , provi ded tha t the pro duc t is deliver ed
to a ret ailer.
Cover nor mal transp or t cos ts f or any replacement p ar t/prod uct f rom
STOKK E to the ret ailer f rom who m the pro duc t was pu rchase d. – No
tran spor t cos ts on t he par t of th e purchas er are covered un der the
terms o f the war rant y.
Res er ve the ri ght to replace, at th e time of th e warr anty b eing invoke d,
def ec tive p ar ts by p ar ts th at are of approx imately th e same de sign.
Res er ve the righ t to supply a rep lacement produ ct in c ase s where th e rel-
evant pr oduc t is no lon ger being m anufa ct ured at t he time of t he warr ant y
being invo ked. Such pr oduc t shall be of cor resp onding qua lity a nd value.
How to invo ke the ”E x tende d Warran ty ”:
Gener ally speakin g, all reque st s relatin g to the ”E x tende d Warrant y”
shall be mad e to the re tailer f rom w hom the p roduc t was p urchas ed.
Such re ques t shall be ma de as so on as pos sible af te r any defe c t has be en
discover ed, and shall b e accompanie d by the war rant y cer ti fic ate as well
as the o riginal p urchase r eceipt.
Docum entation/evidence confir ming the manuf act uring def ec t shall be
pres ented, no rmally by way of t he prod uc t being bro ught along to t he
res eller , or oth er wise b eing pre sente d to the re seller or a S TOKKE sal es
repres entative for insp ec tion.
The de fec t w ill be reme died in a ccor dance wit h the ab ove provisi ons if
the re seller or a S TOKKE s ales rep resent ative d etermi nes tha t the damag e
is caus ed by a manu fac tu ring de fec t .
Lea atentamente las
instr ucciones antes de
su uso y consér velas
para f uturas consultas.
• Nunca deje a su n iño sin vig ilanci a.
• Evite lesio nes grav es por caídas o res balones.
Utilice siempre el arné s.
• Un peso excesiv o colocado e n acceso rios de
transpo r te puede pro vocar un a inestabilid ad
• Puede haber un a inestabilid ad pelig rosa si se
añad en al producto ac cesorios de tra nsporte de
• E ste producto está diseña do para niños d e hasta
9 kg / 2 0 lb de peso y 72 cm/28.5" de altura s i se
utiliza c on un cuco y para n iños de ha sta 20 kg /
44 lb y 9 5 cm/3 7 .5" si se utiliza co n una unid ad
de asie nto.
• Pr este atenci ón al plegado y desple gado
del produ c to para qu e no se queden dedos
atrap ados.
• El producto se volve rá inestable si se util iza
una bol sa o redecilla pa ra bultos do nde no está
previs to.
• Mantenga siempre un control total s obre el
cochecito d urant e su mane jo. Ma nteng a las dos
manos so bre el cochecit o en todo mome nto