The main screen contains several areas:
options- and status area (headline) – functions area (center)
● Options ke ys – these three buttons change their function dependant from actual
screen. In main screen:
Settings: settings for display, date/time, network and upgrading.
Multiroom: Directly opens the device list for selecting the SMR device to control.
Playback functions: Stop/Play/+Playlist depending the actual playback.
● Status indications – show up various system informations:
Name of the currently controlled SMR unit
Time – a touch on the time indication brings up the calendar screen!
Network status (connected/disconnected)
WLAN connection quality
Battery status (charging=flashing, low=red, medium=yellow, full=green)
● Functions area – main functions are:
1. Audio Server: to browse media server and choose tracks to listen.
2. USB Storage: to browse USB disk content and choose tracks to listen, to call
previously stored playlists and Internet-Radio-playlists from PC, to store Internet
Radio recordings as well as device settings and playlists created by WAP-8500.
3. Internet Radio for listing and “My Favorite Station” management.
Select the desired function by light touching the screen symbol by your fingertip The
selected symbol confirms the function call by changing its colour.