Note: in case you switched to another screen during audio playback, the playback
screen returns after 20 seconds, when there was no more touch of any functions.
Note: Make sure the media server on your networking PC is up and running and
your WAP-8500 is well connected to your network.
To browse and playback the audio files stored on your computer (connected to your
network), a media server software is required. With WAP-8500, the Media Server
software is provided on the installation CD.
Attention: WAP-8500 cannot find and playback your audio files, stored on a
networked PC without the audioserver installed. Before playback from network
computers, ensure properly installed media server software!
Cover pictures: WAP-8500 supports cover display for each audiofile with ID3 tag.
To achieve cover display, you can import a cover picture into each audio file, using
your PC. This and more ID3 tasks can be proceeded comfortably by a wellknown
freeware software, such as MP3tag (Win), ID3X (MAC) or EasyTAG (Linux).
Please note: there are some programs which support audiofiles and related cover
pictures, like WMP, iTunes or Amarok, but they have an incompatible solution based
on an internal directory where they store cover pictures separate from audiofiles, but
not in the audiofile's ID3 tags. These pictures do not appear if you open the audiofile
by other applications or WAP-8500.
If you want to have the cover pictures available for your WAP-8500 and also for your
portable audio devices forever, simply import the cover pictures into the ID3 tags.