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VOX allows signal transmission without pressing the PTT key. As soon as the signal
strength reaches the programmed signal threshold (level 1-9), the radio automatically
switches into transmission mode. Once the signal ends, the radio remains in VOX mode
for a programmed duration (delay time 0,3 / 0,5 / 1 / 1,5 / 2 / 3 s).
The parameters VOX delay and VOX sensitivity (level) can be programmed via software.
To activate/deactivate the VOX function press the double-function-key PF1/2 that is
programmed with the VOX function.
This function is only of use for the commercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM,
when using differing rx and tx frequencies.
With this function activated, the rx and tx frequencies are reverted. To revert again
to the prior state, the function has be deactivated
This function is only of use for the commercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM,
when using differing rx and tx frequencies for repeater communication.
When activated, the tx frequency will be set to the tx frequency. Communication
through the repeater is then deactivated but local communcation with close-by par-
ticipants is possible.
The tx powers High and Low can be selected. With the PMR and FreeNet version
the maximum tx power is 500 mW. The tx powers for the commercial radio versions
UHF-COM (max. 4 W) and VHF-COM (max. 5 W) can be programmed, according
to the licence, via software.
All channels that are activated for channel scanning will be contiuously searched
until a signal has been detected.
Adding and deleting to the scan list is done via the optional software T-UP31.
Priority Scan
Between each of the channels of the scan list, the priority channel is added. The
priority channel is determined with the software T-UP31.
Instead of a regular scan, e.g. 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8, the priority scan will scan in the
following order, if channel 4 is the priority channel: 4 -1- 4 - 2 - 4 - 5- 4 - 7- 4 - 8.
Alarm tone button (7)
Press the orange alarm tone (7) shortly and a constant alarm tone is emitted. This
tone is audible by all stations that operate on the same channel. To stop the alarm
tone, press the alarm tone button again.
The following functions and settings are managed via software. The radio versions PMR
and FreeNet can be programmed with the software version T-UP31 PMR-FN and the
commercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM with the software T-UP31 COM.
Receiving Frequency (RX Freq) / Transmission Frequency (TX Freq)
With the radio versions PMR and FreeNet, the available frequencies are fixed, RX
and TX frequency of one channel are always the same.
With the commercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM, the assigned frequency
will be programmed manually. The RX and TX frequency of a channel can differ.
CTCSS/DCS codes for Receiving Frequency (Decode) and Transmission Frequency
There are 50 CTCSS and 210 DCS (105 DQS-N and 105 DQS-I) codes available.
They can be assigned individually to the RX frequency and the TX frequency for
each channel.
Busy Channel Lockout (BCL)
With the Busy Channel Lockout function, transmission is blocked once a signal is
present on the selected channel.
TX Power Switch (Tx Power)
For PMR and FreeNet, the tx power setting HIGH is fixed to 500 mW. For the com-
mercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM, the settings HIGH and LOW can be
programmed, according to the assigned values of the licence, via software.
Bandwidth (N/W) - only COM-Version
For PMR and FreeNet, the bandwidth is fixed to 12.5 kHz (N) according to govern-
mental regulations. For the commercial versions the settings N(12,5 kHz) and W
(25 kHz) are available.
Scan (Scan Add/Del)
The available channels are scanned for signals according to the scan list. Each chan-
nel may be added (Add) or excluded (Del) from this scan list. Please note that at the
scan list must contain at least two channels for the scan function to work.
Squelch (SQ Level 0-9)
The squelch level determines what strength a signal must have to unmute the
speaker. The higher the level, the higher the threshold. At the level 0, the squelch is
deactivated, the typical constant noise is audible. At level 9, the signal must be
very strong to unmute the speaker.
tecom-ip3_man_V5_18-2-14_Layout 1 14.02.2018 10:37 Seite 24

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