Yamaha’s flagship 9' concert grand piano, the CFX offers
sparkling highs and a powerful resonant bass with a sound
that projects to the furthest reaches of any concert hall. The
CFX was played by the winner of the prestigious International
Chopin Competition in 2010 and has since gained recognition
as one of the greatest concert grands of modern times.
* Featured on the CLP-535 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP
Experience the expressive power of a grand piano with the CLP Series
Real grand piano sound, just for you
With two world-renowned concert grand pianos available at the touch of a button, the CLP Series lets you
choose the perfect piano tone for the music you want to play. Offering far more than just sampled sound, the
CLP Series reproduces the expressive characteristics of these two unique instruments in meticulous detail.
Practice made better
The CLP Series makes practice something to look forward to with practical functions and features that make it
easy to improve your performance.
The powerful tone of the acclaimed CFX*
Featuring models equipped with the newly-developed Natural
Wood X (NWX*
) and Graded Hammer 3X (GH3X*
) keyboards,
the CLP Series brings a new level of realism to digital piano
performance. There are even fitted counterweights*
for precise
control when playing delicately at low volumes and an
escapement mechanism*
that reproduces the slight click felt
when the keys of a grand piano are pressed gently. Just like an
acoustic grand, every key is weighted differently; keys in the
bass register have a heavier feel that gets progressively lighter
as you move up the keyboard.
*1 Featured on the CLP-545 / 575 / 585. See page 29 for NWX keyboards
*2 Featured on the CLP-535 / 565GP. See page 29 for GH3X keyboards
*3 Featured on the CLP-585. See page 29 for counterweights
Featured on the CLP-535 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP. See page 29 for escapement mechanism
Crafted in Vienna using traditional techniques exclusive to
Bösendorfer, this legendary grand piano features a characteristic
warm tone known as the “Viennese Sound”, perfect for playing
stately melodies from composers such as Brahms and Beethoven.
* Featured on the CLP-535 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP. See page 31 for Bösendorfer
More than just great sound
The unmistakable sound of a Bösendorfer Imperial*
An easy-to-read LCD* and intuitive layout enable simple
operation of your Clavinova, giving you more time to focus
on playing.
* Featured on the CLP-535 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP
Easy-to-use interface
In addition to its world-class grand pianos, the Clavinova CLP Series
boast a library of impressive Voices including an upright piano*,
electric pianos and a variety of organs. Enjoy the freedom to choose
the ideal Voice for the genre of music you want to play.
* Featured on the CLP-585
A comprehensive range of keyboard Voices
Unique to Yamaha, the Stereophonic Optimizer* adjusts the
spacing of the sound and the separation from the piano when
listening via the headphones, resulting in a spacious sound
image that will inspire you to play for hours at a time.
* Featured on the CLP-545 / 575 / 585. See page 31 for Stereophonic Optimizer
Natural sound image—even using headphones
Pick any number of high-quality rhythms*, including various
jazz, pop and latin patterns, to add new dimension to your
performances and enhance your timing
* Featured on the CLP-545 / 575 / 585
Play along with a variety of rhythms
Train your hands with some of the most widely accepted exercises in
the world using proven practice methods from Hanon, Bayer, Czerny
and Burgmüller*
. With the CLP Series, you can use lesson functions to
focus on each hand individually, or display compatible scores*
on your
iPad using Yamaha’s exclusive NoteStar*
*1 Lesson songs are featured on the CLP-535 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP
The CLP-525 is not equipped with lesson song functionality. However, you can display music scores on an iPad
*3 See page 33 for NoteStar
Time-tested practice aids
Stores 50 pieces, with scores−1. Invention No.1 2. Invention No.8 3. Gavotte 4. Prelude (Wohltemperierte Klavier 1 No.1) 5. Menuett G dur BWV.Anh.114 6. Le Coucou 7. Piano Sonate
No.15 K.545 1st mov. 8. Turkish March 9. Menuett G dur 10. Little Serenade 11. Perpetuum mobile 12. Ecossaise 13. Für Elise 14. Marcia alla Turca 15. Piano Sonate op.13 “Pathétique”
2nd mov. 16. Piano Sonate op.27-2“Mondschein” 1 st mov. 17. Piano Sonate op.49-2 1st mov. 18. Impromptu op.90-2 19. Moments Musicaux op.94-3 20. Frühlingslied op.62-6
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