Accom p ani me nt St y le s
Super Articulation V oic es/Super Articulation 2 V oices
General func tions
The Clav inova Series ar e used at mor e than 700 world music i nstit utions, inc luding R oyal
Conser vatoire of Scotland. They are chos en bec ause they let st udents, e special ly thos e who want to
beco me professionals , pract ice without losing the feeling of pl ayin g a grand piano. The fact that
Cla vinova perfo rmance capabil ities are conf irmed by music professor s atte sts t heir true wor th.
Styl e Recom mend er an d Mus ic Finde r
V oca l Harm ony
Other Features
Unique to CVP
Sty le al lows the C VP to provide accompaniment for
per for mances with your own backing orches tra or band by
simpl y play ing a chord with your lef t hand. Y ou can us e Styles to
add intros an d endings, inser t fills and even arrange songs in re al
time. They cover a wide range of genr es incl uding pop, jazz an d
lati n and even orches tral.
Mult i-track S ong Re corde r
The re cording function featured in Cla vinova di gital pianos
al lows you to record your per formances*
with a single touch ,
which i s usef ul when you want to review your p layi ng
objec tively . Additional ly , you can re cord up to 1 6 t racks*
simu ltane ous pla yback, so dif ferent hands can b e record ed
separately or overdub par ts wit h diffe rent V oices.
*1 R ecordings a re made i n MIDI form at, and can also be recorded to USB fl ash memory . Compatibl e
sof twa re is req uired for playb ack of rec orded d ata on a co mpute r
*2 Two tracks on t he CLP-525
USB Audi o Record er*
Record per for mances to USB flash memor y and create audio
fi les *
you can save and pl ay back on a computer , share with
friends or create a CD.
*1 Not ab ailable on the CLP-525
*2 Data is s aved in WA V f ormat. T he CV P-605 / 6 09 / 60 9GP also allow MP 3 format
USB Connectivity
Connec t the Clavi nova to a computer o r a USB memor y device
to manage your l ibrar y .
Super Articulation V oices*
repro duce the unique per formance
characteristics (articulations ) of e ach i nst rument. Guitar f ret
noise or breathing for sa xophones are t riggere d by pl ayin g with
diffe rent velocities, or by usi ng the p edal. Super Articula tion 2
Vo i c e s*
are even more advance d, featuring more realistic
repro ductions of t he legato and staccato pe rfo rmance
techniques so ess ential to p layi ng bowed and wind instrument s.
By si mply varying touch and pl ayi ng techniques, Super
Ar ticul ation 2 V oices wil l automatically a dd significant
authent ic it y to your sound.
*1 Featu red on t he CV P-601 / 605 / 6 09 / 60 9GP
*2 Feat ured on t he CV P-60 9 / 609G P
The C VP feature s two func tions that suppor t p erfo rming with Styles.
Sty le Recom men der
An intell igent function t hat searches for an accompaniment
St yle su ita ble for the t ype of music you want to pl ay . Just t ap a
few bars of a simple rh y thm to have Style Recommender
displ ay a l ist of ap p ro pr iat e a cc om pa nim ent s.
Music Finder
Music Fi nder gives you inst ant access to the be st accompaniment
St yles and V oices for t he spe cific song you want to pl ay . Just sele ct a
song title to have the C VP call-up the p erf ect s et tings for that song.
Music Fi nder also let s you registe r and search for song dat a and
audio fil es s tored in the Clavi nova or in external USB flash mem or y .
Whet her you’ re accom panyi ng your own voc als or enjo ying
karaoke, the V ocal Harmony feature provides rich, vibrant
harmonies as a chorus backing, even when you’ re sing ing alone.
Y ou c an also add effe ct s to your vocal lines, such as a vocoder
that wil l add a rob otic feel to your voice.
Featur ed on t he CV P-605 / 6 09 / 609 GP
Cla vinov a —the world’ s fav orit e digital piano
So me of t he in sti tut ion s th at us e Clavi nova
: Royal Cons er vatoire o f Scot land, Th e Guildhall Scho ol of Music an d Drama, T he Royal Nor t hern C ollege of M usic
: Eas tman S chool o f Music, Pea bod y Cons er vator y of Music, Ja cobs S chool o f Music
: Royal Cons er vator y of Mu sic, Schulich Scho ol of Mu sic of McGill Univer sity, Mont real Facult y of Music
Clavinova digital pianos were chosen 2009 Home Digital Keyboard of the Year in the
Musical Merchandise Review’s “Dealer’s Choice Awards.” The Clavinova line has
received an annual award from MMR 14 times in the last 17 years, including “Product of
the Year” in 2000.
Clavinova CLP-430 received “Diapason d’Or” award by Diapason magazine.
CLP-S308PE, CVP-505, CVP-509 and CVP-609 received the Good Design Award
from Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization.
The CLP-430 has been named the “Testsieger” by the prestigious independent
German consumer organisation, “Stiftung Warentest” in the October 2011 issue of
their TEST magazine.
Aw a r d s
More information available on the Yamaha web site.
ho want to
ct th a
ort h.
Wireles s Router
USB Memory
USB C able
Ther e are many more ap ps for a wide range of us es.
Det ailed app informat ion and download s are her e:
htt p: // yamaha.co m / kbdapps /
Instrumen t apps and on l ine ser vic e s —
us e them t oge ther t o e xpa nd y ou r mu s i ca l hor iz on s
An add ition al C l av ino va benefit: di scover new w a ys to en joy m usi c throug h Y am aha apps a nd onl ine servic es.
A wi de selection o f song and s heet mus ic fi les for w ha t you w ant to p la y are at y our fi ngertips.
Clavinova a n d Apps
If you use an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, Y amaha apps will
make pl ayin g mor e conven ient and enjoyable . Per form a s ong
and easily set the ideal Vo ice and accompaniment Style.
Record your own pe rfo rmance and share it with a friend.
Check out t he entire library of Y amaha apps and f ind the ones
tha t meet y our needs.
Som e apps re quire a conn ect ion to your in strum ent. To use ap ps that re quire conn ect ivity, a wireless o r
wired c onnec tion are ne cess ary.
For wire d conne ction, r efer to “iP hone / iPad Co nnec tion Manual” (http://download.yamaha.com/)
Som e apps ar e only available in cer tain regio ns.
App specs and other det ai ls may c hange without notice
Y amah a M usicSoft http : // yamahamusicsof t . c om /
Y amaha MusicSof t w ebsite
[Simple dat a trans fer] All you ne ed to manage yo ur music with a p ers onal comp uter is a USB f lash mem ory
device o r a USB cable.
Cla vinov a a nd On l i ne S e r v i ce s
Visit our Y amaha MusicSof t onli ne sto re to browse tho usands of
play-along so ng files designed to help you pla y hit songs by your
favorite artist s. Download from a diverse collect ion of
accompaniment Styles that put a profe ssion al band at your
finger tips. New St yles are great for pract ice or per formance and are
a handy song writing tool as well !
Easy acc ess to Y amaha’ s ex clusiv e library
Perform your fav orite songs wit h
gorge ous accom pani ment st yle s.
Practice hit tunes on your Clavino va.
Y ou c an purchase songs, one o r more at a time, from
Y am aha MusicSof t. New s ongs are adde d every
mon th, so you can practice po pul ar hits and add
them to you r reper toire .
Pl ay ba ck the s ong with the par t that you wil l play , fo r
example the pia no par t or the m el od y part , turned of f.
If it’ s a song with accompani ment st yles, you can easi ly
enjoy a gorgeous ens emble per for mance.
Listen to y our favorite songs on your
Clavinova .
Th e Clavi nova will pla y back songs that you cho ose.
Se lec t a number of song s and enjoy them as
background music, or l isten to the m for hi nt s on
playi ng or arranging.
Keyboard pla yers — experience playing and singing y our fav orite
songs with a real band. NoteStar is Y amaha’s digital sheet music
application for iP ad that features hands-free, smooth-flowing,
easy-to-read digital sheet music accompanied by realistic audio
backing trac ks with vocals that can be
muted so you can pla y along! F or the
CLP-500 Series, get free sheet music and
enjoy ov er 300 preset lesson songs*.
V isit notestar .com/clp.
* Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP
NoteSt ar
(iP ad comp atibl e)
Rep er toire Fi nde r
(iPhone / iPod touch / iPad c ompatible)
Reco mm end ed Ap ps
Expand your r eper toire by sharing song
set tings wit h other us ers. Want to pl ay the
latest hits ? Si mply make a request to t he
onl ine community . Upload and share your
own panel se ttings and r egistrations for
others to enjo y .
Access e asy-t o- under stan d video s introducing th e various online
services here: