the numb er of keys presse d, the st reng th with which the keys
are pla yed and p edali ng timing.
Featu red on t he CLP-575 / 585
The mom ent a pian ist ’ s finger s are lifted f rom the keys of a grand
piano , subtle changes occur in the instr ument ’ s tone as t he
damper is lower ed onto the s trings to mute it s sound. Key- O f f
sampl es features ac tual recordings of t hese changes, o ffe ring a
faithful repro duction of t he most subtle changes in the piano’ s
sound, allowi ng for a mo re realistic per formance.
Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP , C VP- 601 / 605 / 60 9 / 609GP
Key- O f f s am pl e s
Clavinova Technology
Innov ation fo r ef for t less p er fo rmance
Ex quisi te sound
The CFX—Y amaha’s f inest concer t grand selec ted and play ed by
the win ner of the 2 01 0 Intern ation al Chopi n Pi ano Competition—
and the Imp erial from Bösendor fer—a brand held in high esteem
by pian ist s througho ut its long histo ry — are renown ed pianos
characterized by distinctive t raits such as p ower , ver satil it y ,
subtlet y , lightness and m el lowne ss.
Both of t hese sup erb pianos’ V oices are feature d in the Cla vinova.
T uned to p er fec tion by a hi ghly experienced piano technici an with th e
sound fr om al l 88 keys sampled individual ly , Clav inova truly capture s
the unique tonal c haracter of e ach of these ou ts tanding instrument s.
With your Cla vinova, you can enj oy the exquisite beauty of t he
sought-af ter tone that the CF X and Bösend orfe r Imperial deli ver .
Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP
The tone of the f inest concert gra nd pianos
in the world
Soun d in an acoust ic piano att enuate s over a long time.
Pianists c an change the volum e of the s ound — as well as it s dynamics — to
achieve bot h mellow and bright tone s by simply changing the pre ssure th ey
apply to t he keys.
The Clavinova featur es long , car efully-sample d re cordings of n ote s on a piano,
rep roduc es th em in rich det ail and utili ze s unique Y amaha te chnologie s to
achieve smoot h tonal transition s in
res pons e to th e touch of t he play er.
Additionally , t he Clavinova has
been r epeat edl y test ed an d
adjuste d by numer ous pianist s in
orde r to at tain a pe r formance f eel
simi lar to that of a g rand piano.
Smooth tonal trans formations
perfec tly matched to k ey pressure
Featuri ng Y amaha Smooth Release techno log y , Cla vinova
of fers the crisp tone heard wh en pl ayin g st accato as well as
the lingering sound produced by relea si ng the keys mor e. Thi s
provides finely-nuanced respons e to the pian ist ’ s pla ying.
From staccato t o legato — superbly expressive
sound t hat responds to th e pla yer’ s touch
In a grand piano , sound r esonates thr oughout the b ody of th e
instrument , producing a rich reverberation that envelops the
lis te n er in so u nd .
This phenomena is repro duced pe rfe ctly in the Clav inova
through Virtu al Res ona nce Mo delin g (VR M), which cal cula tes
the various st ates of the s trings for each of the 88 no tes on the
keyboard fr om one instant to t he nex t, allo wing vivid,
richl y-varied expression that ref lect s the limitless number of
factor s inherent in pl aying the pi ano — such as th e register and
VRM p hysi cal m odeling—t he distinc tive
reverberation genera ted by the entire body of a
concert grand pian o
Superb p la yabi li ty and fee l
Natur al Wood (NWX /NW )* k eyboards are created using Y amaha’s
unrival e d exper tise of woo d acquired through mor e than a centur y
of craf ting fine pianos.
Just as wit h grand pianos, the material used for Natural W oo d
keyboards is cut from wo od that has be en caref ul ly dried
spe cifical ly for use in making musical i nstr ument s.
Only the be st wood fr om the fine st par t of each tree is sele cte d,
resulting in a k eybo ard that is more resist ant to buckl ing and
warping than common lam inated wood keyboards.
Y amaha’ s Natural W ood keyb oard features t he same ac tion and
thre e-s ensor conf iguration as Grad ed Ha mme r 3 keybo ard s , whi ch
accuratel y sens es and interpre ts t he behavior of the keyboard for a
resp onse and feel ver y simi lar to that of a grand piano. Th is al lows
you to vividly per form smoo th, flowing passages or light tril ls,
techniques used in many pieces such as Für El ise.
* N WX is feat ured o n the CLP-545 / 575 / 585
* NW is feat ured on t he C VP-6 09 / 609 GP
Natural W o od keyboard—
the feel of an acous tic grand
The touch of the Clavi nova keyboard has be en praised by
pian ist s for a per for mance feel that makes you forge t you’ re
pla ying a di gital piano , of fering authentic resp onse to th e force
of your touch and a natural k ey ret urn. Uti lizi ng the s ame
hammering system and spring-less me chani sm as a grand piano,
GH3 X and GH3 ac tions accura tely repro duce the touch of an
acoustic piano from th e heavy feel in th e lower register to the
li ghter touch in the upp er oc taves.
* GH3X is feature d on the C LP-53 5 / 565GP
* GH3 is feat ured on t he CLP-525, CVP- 601 / 605
The Graded Ham mer 3 Keyboard
(GH 3X /GH3)*
The Cla vinova faithful ly repro duces th e sound of an acoustic piano
ut iliz ing fe at ur e s like St ring Res onan ce *
to emula te t he mellow
tonal color that occurs when strings r eact to one anot her . The re sult
is a beautiful tone with rich, dee p reverberation.
In addition to the reverb eration of the st rings thems elves, Damper
Res onan ce*
repro duces th e broad, dee p sound field of an acoust ic
piano. On the CLP- 53 5, CLP -54 5 and CLP-5 65GP , Damper
Resonance also mirrors t he tonal changes that result when a dam per
pedal on a grand piano is depre ssed. It includes sounds such a s
thos e emit ted from t he key bed and emulates the cumulative
res onance that occurs when al l of th ese so unds blend together.
1 Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 65GP , CV P-601 / 60 5 / 609 / 60 9GP
2 Featu red on t he CLP-525 / 53 5 / 545 / 565GP , C VP- 601 / 605 / 60 9 / 609GP
1 ,2 I n VRM -e quipp ed mod els (CLP-575 / 585) this ef fec t is modele d using VR M
Reproducing the Da mper Resona nce
and de ep rev erberation of an acoustic piano
Cl av inov a is an i nnov ativ e li neup of di gital pi anos t ha t ha ve conti nued to evol ve whi le se eki ng to provi de the touch and tone
of a concer t grand pi ano — the ultim ate symbol of pi ano ex cel lence. Th is authenti c grand pi ano experience is the product of
the knowledge a nd exper tise that Y amaha h as accum ul ated over more tha n 1 25 y ears of crafting ac oustic pi anos.
Uti l izi ng state -of-t he-ar t technol og y to ach iev e grand pi ano qual it y , Cl avi nova d igital p ia nos of fer an in viti ng pl ay ing
experience that i s per fec t for pl ay ers of all l evel s, emu la ting the touc h and tone of the grand pi ano to mak e the transiti on
from di gital to acousti c pia no a seamless and en joy able one.
Ben ef its of S moo th Rel eas e
Rapidly lif ting your f ingers (st accato) Slowly lift ing your finge rs (legato)
powerful sound
Pressur e on key
Large V olume Smal l
gentle sound
The diagra m shows how s ound res onates in a g rand piano and V RM emulat es this re sonanc e
Variati ons of s oun d accor ding to to uch
Thr ee se nso rs acc urate ly sen se t he mot ion of ke ys
When key is p ress ed When key is r eleas ed
The hamm er rise s, providing a piano -like touch
The weigh t of the hamm er caus es the ke y to retu rn
Clavi nova Key boa rd Str uct ure
Each key has t hree s enso rs
Timing whe n your
finge rs be gin to sep arate
Timing whe n your
finge rs be gin to sep arate
Key c ounter weights
The es cape ment me chani sm in a grand piano moves the hamme rs away
from t he strings quickly aft er they st rike them, in order to prevent any
inter ference wit h string vibration. This mechanism produces a slight
cl icking sensation when t he keys are presse d gently . Since Real Grand
Expr ession offe rs pla yers sup erb s ound, touch and pe dal ing, we de cided
to create an e scape ment that delivers ou ts tanding pla yabil it y , re petit ion,
and res ponse wit hout imp eding per formance. Th e newly develop ed
NW X and GH3 X keyb oards in the Clavi nova feature an es cape ment
mechanism that repro duces this sens ation near the b ot tom of the key dip,
and they have be en designed in such a way that the click i s discernible
only on the li ghte st keystrokes, simi lar to the keyboard of a grand piano.
These keybo ards ha ve been adjusted to provide addition al friction that
balances key repet ition and resp onse witho ut impeding per for mance.
Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP
Counter weights are em bedd ed in the keys of a grand pi ano to balance
the weight of the hammer s and offe r more precise contr ol when
pla ying del icately at low vol umes. T he Cla vinova feature s carefully-
adjusted counter weights for improved pla yabil it y when pla ying
pian issimo with a li ght touch, and bet ter key ret urn in rap id pass ages.
The keyboard of t he Cla vinov a has b een fine -tune d to offe r optimal
balance , emphasizing its supe rb pla yabil it y and grand piano resp onse.
Featur ed on t he CLP-585
Escap ement mechanis m of NWX/GH 3 X keyboards
Grand piano keyboard Clavinova NWX keyb oard
Counterwei ghtEscapement
Graph s are visualization s of the e ffe ct s of the f unctio ns.
Impe rial
Ya m a ha C F X