Con ce rt hall perfo rmanc e in the c omf ort of y our o wn home
The new r everbs feature d in the CLP-5 0 0 Serie s* are the re sult
of Y amaha’ s intricate knowledge of acoust ics, acc umulated o ve r
dec ades working on the acoustic de si gn of numer ous concer t hal ls
and the aters.
With a tho rough unders tanding of the acoustic prope rtie s of
recital hall s, concer t hal ls and cathe drals , Y amaha was a ble to
create reverbs ba sed on de tailed ima ges of t he sound fields of
these l ocati ons.
Thes e reverbs allow to y ou enjoy the sens ation of pl ayin g a
pi ano reci tal in a la rge conce r t ha ll , or experience the ethereal ,
moving sound of a pipe organ played in a cathedral.
The Cla vinova Series allo w you to incorp orate thes e exqu isite reverbs
to add dept h and atmospher e to your sound and enjoy concert hall
ambience and spaciousness in the privacy of your own home.
* Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP
New reverbs that offer sp atial ambiance
The St ereophonic Optimiz er lets players enjoy the disperse d
sound heard wh en sitting in front of an acoustic piano — even
when using headphones.
When Ster eophonic Optimizer is selecte d, the Cla vinova ’s
sound app ears to come f rom the b ody of th e instrument rathe r
than from imme dia tely be side the ears, providing a comfort able,
natural experience that removes any side ef fec ts of p er forming
with he adphone s.
Featu red on t he CLP-545 / 575 / 585
The Stereophonic Optimiz er— a new kind of
headphon e experience
The keys on the Cla vinova are construc ted so t hat the suppor t
point hidden ins ide th e instrument b ody is as far fr om the key tip
as po ssib le, improvi ng pla yabil ity and co mfort , even dee p on the
back of the key .
This construc tion provides good key travel, ev en when p er forming
pieces play ed mainly on the black k eys and the back s of the
white keys , allowi ng nuanced variations in touch and broadening
your expres siv e range.
Natural feel, even on the back -e nd of the keys
Usi ng the damp er pe dal subtly a lters t he nature of a piano’s s ound
and is essent ia l to providing the pian ist with all the ne cessar y
expressive tools to convey their musi cal vision.
Cla vinova di gital pianos feature a damp er pe dal that contin uall y
dete ct s depre ssion depth and allows h alf-pe dal ing, whic h let s
pla yers make minute adj ust ment s to pedal de pression and return,
changi ng the d epth and characte r of their piano sound.
High-e nd models featur e the GP Re spo ns e Damp er Ped al , whi ch
of fers a grand piano- st yle resistance cur ve, star ting out li ght to
the touch and growing heavier as the p edal is depre ssed f urt her .
This al lows pl ayers to be come accustome d to the nuances of
d elic at e pe d alin g.
Featu red on t he CLP-575 / 585, CVP-6 09 / 60 9GP
The GP Respon se Damper Pedal provides an
authentic grand piano p edal feel
The abil it y to adjust per formance volume is extre mely useful at
home whe re pla yers may not alwa ys be able to play a t high
volume levels .
Of ten at low volumes, both ba ss and tre ble ma y beco me diff icu lt
to hear .
T o counter t his , Clav inova is equipped with Intellige nt Acoustic
Control (IA C ), which adjusts th e sound automatically , al lowing
pla yers to enjoy bal anced s ound at an y volume level .
IA C (Intel ligent Ac ous tic Control) ,
per fect for playing a t hom e
256 -n ote po lyp ho ny* ensures even the most demandin g
musician s can per form witho ut fear of notes being drop ped
Simi lar to an acoustic piano, the Cla vinova is cal ibrate d carefully ,
with spe aker positioni ng and bo dy material s checked to ensur e
that the entire instr ument res onates optimal ly . For a soun d i mag e
that is very close to t he grand piano , th ese instr uments f e at ure To n e
Escapement in several locations throughou t the bo dy that al low
the so und from the sp eakers to be projec ted to the listener ’ s ears
without b eing trappe d ins ide th e instrument . The higher - end
mod els i n the CLP-500 Se ries* feature de dicated DSPs, ampl ifier s
and spe akers for spe cific freq uency range. This vas tly improves
Pla y swif t passages o r la yered harmonies while us ing the
damper p edal.
Because a piano can play hundreds of re- struck note s at the same
time, it is impor tant to be a ble to perfo rm withou t notes cut ting
each other of f.
The Cla vinova can pl ay up to 25 6 notes at a time, making it easy to
pla y intricate pieces fr om compos ers such as Liszt and R av el that
require a great deal of p edali ng. This ensures that your instr ument
wil l be able to keep up wit h your progress fo r years to come.
CVP-601 offer 12 8-note polyphony .CVP-609 / 609GP offer 12 8 (pia no) + 12 8(accompan iment)-note polyphony
sound pro duction, ensuring that the volume and qual ity of s ound
heard by the p er former is flawless, with th e output f rom each
speaker arriving at the p er former ’s ears in p erf ect s ynchrony . They
also repro duce the beautif ul tone of the new CFX grand piano
V oice with supe rb clarity .
* Featu red on t he CLP-545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP
Full-body res onance , jus t lik e an acoustic piano
Reproduce s the gentle, tac tile surface of th e ivory keybo ards once
used in only the fines t pianos.
It features highly -abs orbe nt materia l that prevent s fingers fr om
slippin g eve n af t er hou rs of p er f or ming , while re tainin g t he id ea l
text ure and feel.
In addition to its sm ooth, luxurious feel, synt hetic ivor y onl y ne eds
to be wipe d with a damp cloth to be kept clean.
Featu red on t he CLP-525 / 53 5 / 545 / 575 / 585 / 565GP , CV P-60 5 / 609 / 60 9GP
Syn thetic ivory keytops —a plea sure to play even
after hour s of performance
Keyboards f ul fill the vital role of trans forming emotion fro m your
finger tips into sound and the refore, must b e smoot h to pl ay in
order to maintain super b touch for prolonged per for mances.
That is why Y amaha has f it ted Keyboard Stabiliz ers to al l 88
keys, offering pla yers a natural touch and improvi ng the s tabil it y
and durabil ity of t he keyboard.
Keyboa rd St abilizer s — un iqu e Y a mah a mec han ism s
for improved k eyboard st ability a nd durability
Every single k ey on a grand piano keyboard is weighted
diffe rently . This is be cause the s trings for each note are slightly
thinner and shor ter in the tre ble register , beco mi ng thicker and
longer towards the ba ss register . The 88 -k ey Li near Gr aded
Hammers of the Cl avinov a is the f irst-of-it s- kind to faithful ly
dupli cate this graded touch wit h differing weights and key
return on e ach one of its keys. This results in a feel and
re spo nse that is a st onishingly
li ke that of a grand pi ano, and
al lows pla yers to gain an
appreciati on of a more
authentic touch.
Featu red on t he CLP-575 / 585, CVP-6 09 / 60 9GP
88 -key Linear Graded Hamm ers —
the f irst digit al piano keyboard ever t o feature
realistic weighting on ev ery key
The mec hani cs of supe ri or sound
The bo dy of the Clavi nova contains Ac oustic Optimiz ers tha t
regulate the flow of sound and contr ol tone.
A new technolog y springi ng from Y amaha’ s intimate
knowledge of th e acoustic prope rt ies of the interiors of
musical i nst rument s, Acoustic Opt imi zers d el iver natural,
smoot h feel and tone across t he entire keyboard.
Ac ous tic Optimiz er— Regulation to ensure a
balanced tone
Shallow Dee pRange of p edal move ment
Heavy LightPressure
on pedal
Clavinova key tips ar e far fro m the fulcr um, so th e keys sink smoo thly when playe d near th e base
Ea se of pl ayin g accord ing to d ist anc e to the f ulc rum
Key tip fa r from t he fulcrum (Clavinova) Key tip clos e to the f ulcrum
Fulcrum Fulcrum
Clavi nova
Grand piano
Bass T reble
Audible Soun d range
Pro per balanc e in all tonal range s
Adjusts low and
high rang es
Audible Soun d at low volumes
Grand piano hammers
The Key board S tabilizer let s you ap ply force towar d the fulcr um, providing a f irm, stead y touch
Operation of the Keybo ard Stabilizer
Originally founded in 1 828, Bösen dor fer hold s a unique positio n amongs t piano makers as t he only manufac turer
in the world s till util izing the Vienn ese t radition of hand - crafte d de sign that prod uces th e uniquely warm ba ss,
singing treble and rich t onal colors k nown as t he “ Viennes e Soun d” . The d evelopm ent of Bö send or fer pianos ha s
be en influence d by such fame d compo ser s as Brahms and J ohann Strauss, re sulting in an instrum ent lauded as t he
only piano capa ble of withs tanding t he fre netic playing of Franz Liszt .
Remainin g tr ue t o this lega cy o f me ticul ous d esig n and imple men tat ion, e ach B ös end or fe r ins tr ume nt is
painst akingly craft ed over many hour s at the han ds of highly-exp erien ced craf t smen.
In 2008, B ösen dor fer be came p art o f the Y amaha Grou p and in 20 1 4, the reve red to ne of the B ösen dor fer Imp erial
was feature d in the Clavinova CLP Series* fo r the f irst time.
* Featu red on t he CLP-535 / 545 / 5 75 / 585 / 565GP
Bösendor fer
Sound Generato r
Ampl ifier
Ampl ifier
Ampl ifier
Wo o f e r
Tw e e t e r
Squa wker
With t he adjust ment ra nge and pre ssure f eel
of a grand pian o half pedal, d elicate tonal
contr ol is possible
1 828 , Bö send or fer holds a unique p osition am ongst piano maker s as
se tr adition of hand -craf te d design that pr oduce s the
Graph s are visualization s of the e ffe ct s of the f unctio ns.
As t he volume de creas es, the di fficult- to- hear ba ss and
tre ble ranges a re automat ically adjuste d. At nor mal
volume levels, I AC is automatic ally reduce d.
Benefits of IA C
The Stereophoni c Optimizer
Res pon se of G P Resp ons e Dam per Pe dal