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Corally differential adjustm ent and maintenance.
To te st th e diffe re n tial hold both re a r wheels th e n try to tu rn th e sp u r gear with your right th u m b . If
th e gear tu rn s with o u t extrem e fo rc e th e n tighten th e diff nut in th e centre of th e right wheel a
sm all am ount. Repeat th is p roce ss until th e gear cannot be easily ro ta te d when both w heels are
being held.
Servicing the differential.
Unscrew th e diff nut and carefully re m o ve ea
ch com ponent, making careful note of th e order in
which th e y are fitte d (refer to th e se ctional draw ings if necessary). Check th e bearings in th e ce n tre
of th e sp u r gear and th e drive plate, clean if necessary. Clean th e 1/8" balls, th e diff washers, th e
sp u r gear, and th ru st bearing. Worn diff balls are often th e cause of poor diffe re n tial action, so if
th e y are old or if th
e diff has been slipping a great deal, th e n try a new se t. If you su sp e ct th a t th e
diff w ash e rs are worn th e n firstly try building th e diff with th e w ash e rs tu rne d over so th a t th e balls
ru n on th e other face of th e washers. If you have alre a d y done th is once or if th e diff still fe e ls ro u gh
th e n th e y will need to be re p laced.
w clean and degrease all th e diff washers. Corally diffe re n tials ofte n use O-rings where th e large
diff w ash e rs sit on, th e se O-rings grip th e washers to prevent slip and ensure an even pressure on
each diff ball, th u s making su re th e sp u r gear ru n s tru e . It is critical th a t th e se O-rings are fre e fro m
grease otherw ise th e y cannot grip th e w a sh e rs and th e diff will slip un
der acceleration. Degrease
th e se O-rings and fit th e cleaned washers. Put a sm all am ount of ball diff lubricant on th e exposed
su rface of th e se washers, w here th e sp u r gear and th ru st bearings will ru n . Reassem ble th e com plete
diff in th e re ve rse order to th a t detailed above. Be careful not to get any grease on th e O-rings or
th e back of th e w ash e rs, if you do - STO P, and go th ro u gh th e degreasing p
roce ss again. Ideally use
Corally motor cleaner to degrease and allow th e re sidue to evaporate before continuing.
Ball pivot se rvicing.
The 12X utilise s simple, but highly effective ball pivots on th e T-bar. It is important th a t th e
movement of th e se pivots is fre e and sm o o th . To re m o ve the T-bar or to se rvice th e ball pivo ts
simply re m o ve th e large ru b b e r O-ring and th e T-bar can be lift aw ay. The plastic so cke t can then be
re m o ve d in tw o pieces. Please note th a t at th e Corally factory t
hese ball pivots are matched in se ts
to ensure th a t sm o o th , play fre e movement is maintained. Do not mix th e ball and so cke t se ts.
Check th e syste m for play or binding, if th e pivot syste m is worn or dam aged th e n re p lace. If th e re is
play betw een th e moulded so cke t / O-ring and th e T-bar, th e n fit a carbon sp ace r (optionally
available). There are also plastic T-
bar pivot clips available as an alte rn a tive fo r th e O-rings. It is not
usual fo r play to be evident unless a much th inner T-bar is fitte d .
Basic chassis se t-u p .
Most chassis tu n ing is to be done to give a good balance betw een fro n t and re ar tra ction. Too much
fro n t end traction will cause th e car to tu rn to o fiercely or even sp in, th is is re ferre d to as
o ve rste e r. Too much re a r end traction will cause th e car to tu rn fa r less th a n th e fro n t wheels are
actually asking it to do. The car will push or understeer wide in th
e tu rn s. The car will also scrub
off sp e e d due to th e extra lock on th e tu rn e d fro n t wheels. It is critical th a t you tu n e your car to
give a good balance betw een fro n t and re a r grip. The ideal situ a tion is fo r th e car to negotiate th e
tu rn s witho u t under or oversteering. The minimum am ount of stee ring lock sh ou ld be used as th is
will ensure th a t th e car carries
its sp e e d th ro u gh th e tu rn s.
Corally cars are designed to give maximum traction, with neutral and sta b le handling. This is a good
starting point on most tra cks, but not all tra cks or conditions are th e sam e .

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