Changing the Settings
At any time , you may adjust basic settings f or
your device using the steps belo w :
1. Press MENÚ and then press TOOLS.
Or , press or until you reach the T ools menu.
2. Settings is already selected. Press .
3. Press or to mov e to one of the
following settings:
Shuto determines how long your pr oduct stays
on if no key is pressed.
Contrast determines how dark or light the
screen is.
T ype Size determines the size of screen type.
Learn a W ord determines whether or not you see
a word every time you turn on your device .
Message language ( Idioma de los mensajes)
determines if your device display s English or
Spanish prompts, help , and messages.
4. Press or to change the setting.
Y our changes are automatically sav ed. Pr ess or
to move to adjust other settings.
5. Press when nished.
Learn a New W ord ✓
The L earn a Wor d setting helps increase your
Spanish or English vocabulary. Each time the
device starts, you will be greeted with an entry
and its translation. Pr ess LIST to save the w ord
to My Wor d List for further study.
Audio Settings
Y our device has a built-in speaker . If you
prefer , headphones can be plugged into the
headphone jack (see “Understanding Y our
T o adjust the volume, press , then press
or to adjust it sof ter (–) or louder (+).
T ranslating W ords
The English-Spanish and Spanish-English
dictionaries are fully bilingual. Use them to
translate wor ds between the two languages.
T r y translating a Spanish word:
1. Press MENÚ .
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select MW Spanish–English
Dictionar y, then press .
T o translate English words in to Spanish select
MW English–Spanish Dictionary.
Or , press LANG at the word entry screen to
toggle the entry language between Spanish and
3. T ype a word (e.g., ir ).
With each letter y ou type, the resulting list
of potential matching entries is r efreshed.
Note: The following options apply to this and
all other word entry screens:
T o erase a letter , press .
T o type accents, type a letter (e.g ., e ) and then
press repeatedly until the accent y ou want
appears (e.g., é ).
T o type a capital, hold and press a letter key .
T o type a number , press a number key .
T o enter a special character (if permitted), hold
FN and press a number key .
For e xample, to enter “3-D” , type 3 , press FN
(to enter a hyphen), and then pr ess + D .
Note: Y ou are not required to type accents or
special characters. The dic tionary will retrieve
similar matches for y ou.
Press to hear the wor d you typed and
other entries in the list pronounced.
4. If the letters you type match a w ord in the
list, it is automatically highlighted .
Or , press or to selec t another word y ou see
in the list.
5. Press to view the translation.
Press or to scroll extended content.
Press to hear the headword pr onounced.
6. Hold FN and press or to view the next or
previous entry .
7. Press CLEAR when done .
Vie wing Multiple Entries ✓
If a search nds more than one matching entry
you can easily move back and f orth between the
matches. Hold FN and press or to go to the
previous or next matching entry.
Understanding T ranslations ✓
Entries may consist of headwor ds, parts of
speech, denitions, idioms, other f orms, and
translations. After the translation or denition,
you may see a list of usage examples or
conversa tional phrases, marked with a speaker
T o hear a phrase within a dictionary entr y, pr ess
to start a selection highlight, and then use
the arrow keys to position the highlight o ver the
speaker symbol of the phrase you want to hear ,
and then press or to hear it.
T o hear a single word within an entr y
pronounced, pr ess to star t a selection
highlight, and then use the arrow keys t o
position the highlight over an y word , and
then press t o hear it. Press to
view the new word’ s denition/translation.
Explanation of Genders ✓
Span ish nou ns a re di er ent fr om E ngl ish noun s
in tha t th ey must ei ther be ma scul ine or fe mini ne .
Each de nit ion of a no un i ndic ate s w hich gen der
it is with m or f.
Misspelling W ords ✓
If y ou ent er a m issp elle d w ord, a l ist of co rrect ions
appears. Pr ess or t o se lect the wo rd you wa nt
and then press to see its ent ry . T o go back
to the corrections list, press .
Hearing W ords
This dictionar y will pronounce the wor ds that
appear on almost any screen—in denitions ,
thesaurus entries, spell correction lists,
English/Spanish word lists , and games. When
you want to hear ho w a word is pronounc ed,
select it and press . T ry the example
below .
Note: Words cannot be pr onounced in Usage
Examples, Grammar Guides, C onfusables lists,
and certain other locations.
1. Press MENÚ .
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select MW Spanish–English
Dictionar y, then press .
3. T ype a word (e.g., t eléfono).
4. Press to hear it pronounced .
5. Press to see its translation entry .
6. Press to hear the headword
7. Press to enter wor d selection mode.
8. Press the direction key s to position the
highlight cursor on a word or phr ase (marked
by ) y ou want to hear .
9. Press to hear the pronunciation.
P ress CLEAR when done.
Selec ting W ords in Other Entries
Another way to look up and learn new wor ds
is to select them from within other entries or
word lists . Y ou can then nd their translations
or add them to word lists . Note : This feature
may not be available on all scr eens.
1. A t a t ex t sc re en su pp ort in g w or d se lect io n,
press to enter selection mode.
If the rst word on the screen is now
highlighted, this f eature is supported.
2. Press , , , or to selec t an available
word y ou want to learn.
T o exit select mode, press .
T o... Press...
hear the word pronounc ed
dene the word
add the word to My W ord List LIST
3. Press CLEAR when done .
Matchmak er List
If you are uncertain about how to spell a
word , type the por tion of the word you do
know , and type a question mark (?) in place
of each unknown letter . T ype an asterisk (
to stand for an y missing portion of a word,
including prexes , suxes , spaces, symbols,
or any number of letters . Note : If you type
an asterisk at the beginning of a wor d, it may
take additional time to nd matching wor ds.
1. At an y word entry screen, type known letters,
a ? in place of each unknown letter , and a * in
place of any string of unknown char acters.
F or example, in the MW English Dictionary ,
type “m?cro
T o type an asterisk, hold down and press
2. Press .
3. Press to select a word from the list and
press to view its entry .
4. Press CLEAR when done .
Ine ction s a nd c onjuga tio ns sho w c han ges in
a w or d’ s ge nder , te nse , numb er , pers on, an d
oth er s ubt le vari ati ons . Th is d evi ce inc lud es
extensive inections of Spanish and English
nou ns, ad ject ive s, an d ot her w ord s. It a lso
inc lude s a dva nce d v erb co nju gat ion s, whi ch
include translations of verb tenses .
F ollow these steps using the example wor d(s)
suggested or with your own w ord(s) on any
screen that shows the C ONJ soft key. This
includes any dictionary word entry screen,
de n iti on /tr an sla t io n s cr een , gra mma r g ui de ,
1. Press MENÚ .
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select English Conjugations or
Spanish Conjugations. Press .
Press LANG at the w ord entry screen to toggle
the entry language between Spanish and
3. T ype a word and press C ONJ.
F or English, try “ cold” to view its noun
and adj ecti ve in ectio ns; try “ go ” to vi ew
its co nju gat ed ve rb f orms. “Go ” wil l s how
mul tipl e p arts o f s pee ch a nd mul tipl e
tra nsl ati ons . C hoo se whic hev er one y ou
lik e.
F or Spanish, try “mejor” to view its adjective
inections; “ amor” to view its masculine
noun inections; and “ creer” to view its
conjugated verb f orms. If prompted, choose
one of the two translations for “ creer ” .