school subjects
4th sleepyhead
card: you lose
Counter has
made whole
round? Who got
the most cards?
Then it’s the turn of the next player.
Example: The counter stands on the square with the breakfast table.
Turn around a big card. It’s a clock card indicating "advance the clock
for 20 minutes".
A minute ago the big clock has shown 8:00.
Now you advance it for 20 minutes.
The next clock square (= the one showing the bus) however shows
8:15. So the figure will arrive late.
You put the counter immediately onto the square with the bus and
advance the big clock to 8:15.
The timetable:
If the next square on the game board makes reference to a school subject,
the timetable indicates which card has to be found.
Watch out:
As there are also school subject on the big cards, which are not indicated
on the timetable, you have to turn them round immediately.
End of the game:
The game ends, ...
…as soon as the fourth sleepyhead card has had to be taken. In this
case all players are little sleepyheads and lose the game together,
…or as soon as the figure has made a whole round and gets back to the
starting square. You are all well rested and clever players. Whoever has
the most cards, wins the game.
• In order to make the game more exciting, before starting to play you can
agree together, what you have to do if you collect too many sleepyhead
cards. No limits are set to your imagination: it’s up to you,if together you
want to make 10 push-ups, walk the dog or wash the dishes.
Co-operative variant:
• The collected big cards belong to everybody.
• Each card uncovered, which is correct is returned to the box.
• The players help each other and win if they have collected not more than
3 sleepyhead cards at the end of the round.
• If the card shows a clock, you have to advance the long blue
minute-hand of the big clock in the centre of the game board as many
minutes as shown on the card.
• The cards show different time intervals: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30
Example: The clock has to be advanced ten minutes.
Then turn the card face down and return it. It’s the turn of the next
Watch out:
Every time the long blue hand gets to the number 12, an hour has
passed, and you have to advance immediately the small red hours-
hand by one number (=1 hour).
On several squares of the game board a clock is shown. These are
the "clock squares". They have a special meaning.
The counter must have reached these squares no later than the time shown
On the square with the school bus there is a clock showing 8:15. The
counter must have reached this square no later than 8.15 according to
the big clock in the centre. If not, it misses the bus!
So what’s important is:
After advancing the big clock always check immediately, if it will still be
possible for the counter to reach the next clock square in time.
• Is it possible? The game goes on.
• Is it impossible?
Place the counter at once on the next clock square.
Watch out: This may mean that some squares have to be jumped over.
Advance the hands of the clock in the centre so that it shows exactly
the same time as the clock square.
Also, you have to take a sleepyhead card and put it face up next to the
clock square.
Watch out: the sleepyhead cards belong to everybody. So, together take
care to get as few as possible, as you may lose if you have too many.
10 11
card shows clock:
advance big hand
to time shown
watch out for the
clock squares:
counter has to
arrive in time!
counter arrives
late: move ahead
set big clock
take sleepyhead