f) Pressing the # key exits enrollm ent mode and the “Serv ice” *)
message appears on the keypad
g) che ck wheth er the key board funct ions in the place w here you
intend to install it and then install its plastic rear part.
*) The keypad comes with Engl ish texts f rom productio n – these can be
changed to ot her langua ges – see t he manual.
If the “Service” mes sage fails to a ppear on the c onnected w ired keypad
or if the w ireless key pad is not e nrolled, t he control p anel setti ngs are n ot the
factory-defau lts – per form a reset ( see 3.8.)
JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 6 - MKH51103
5 OASiS wireless devices
The control panel had 50 addr esses (01 to 50), allow ing the enrollment of
up to 50 wireles s devices (det ectors, keypad, key fobs, siren s, etc.). A dev ice
can be assi gned to an addr ess either by enrollment or by typing its serial
number while i n Service mode (see 6.42).
Wirele ss devices ca n be installe d at their in tended locatio ns and then
enrolled to th e control pa nel or vice versa. If the re are any doubts as to t he
suitability of devices for c ommunication, t emporarily a ttach the dev ices (e.g.
using adhesiv e tape) in the se lected place and test radio c ommunication
before finaliz ing install ation. Follo w the manuals o f the particul ar devices
during their i nstallation.
5.1 Enrolling wireless devices to the control panel
1. The control panel must be in Ser vice mode. If thi s is not the case,
enter *0 serv ice code ( factory defa ult: 8080). T he control panel must be
2. Press the “1” key to enter enro llment mode. The first v acant
address is th en offered.
3. You can select the desired address using th e 1 and 7 keys (If the
address is al ready occu pied, the A indi cator is lit ),
4. The dev ice can be enr olled to the sel ected address by connecting its
battery (po wer),
5. Enrollment to the given add ress is confirmed by the A indicator and
the next v acant address is then offered,
6. Enrol all dev ices to the contr ol panel one after an other by connec ting
batteries to t hem. Press th e # key to exit enrollmen t mode.
Enrolment of a wirel ess device to a hard-wire inpu t address disables
the corresponding t erminal (when t he wirele ss device is erased, t he
terminal is ena bled again).
RC-8x typ e key fobs are enrolle d to the control pane l by pressing an d
holding two butt ons at the same ti me: + or + . T his means
that a 4-button key fob can be enroll ed to the control p anel as two
different p airs of but tons and dif ferent fea tures can be assigned t o
them – see 6.40,
Only a single device can b e enrolled to each addr ess,
When a n addres s is occupie d (the A i ndicator li ghts), no m ore new
devices can be enroll ed to it,
If a dev ice has alr eady been enrol led to an addr ess, and it is t hen re-
enrolled to an other address , the device’s a ddress assignme nt changes
from the origin al address t o the new one ,
If a device cannot be enroll ed to the contr ol panel, it does no t have a
good connec tion to t he control p anel (the dev ice must be at lea st 2 m
away from the control panel and an antenna must be conn ected to th e
control panel duri ng enrollment),
To re -enroll a de vice, first di sconnect its b attery. Th en wait about 1 0
seconds (or, to sa ve time, press and relea se the tamper switc h on the
device), befo re you switch it on again
A sub-control panel can be enrolled to a master contr ol panel by
keying in the sequen ce “299” o n the key pad of the sub contr ol panel
which must be in Service mode,
If you inten d to use the final door function , the final door detector s
must be enrolle d to addres ses from 01 to 05 or from 46 t o 50 (see
5.2 Testing enrolled wireless devices
1. The control pan el must have its anten na connected and it must be in
Service mode (If this is not the case, enter *0 service code (facto ry
default: 8080 ). The contro l panel must be disarmed),
2. Trigger the device to be tested (if it is a detector, close its c over first
and then w ait until it is ready for testing) ,
3. The keypad (its c over should b e flipped open) beeps a nd display s a
descrip tion of the signal re ceived from the device under test
4. Y ou can test the enrolled dev ices one after an other by activ ating them
one by one. Y ou can carry the w ireless key board with y ou during the
W i reless moti on detectors can be teste d for max. 15 mi nutes afte r
closing their cov er. After that the det ectors ignore fre quent movements
(see the detect or manual), T est mode can be ex tended by opening and
closing its cov er
Devices can also be tes ted in Maintena nce mode – see 7.4.
5.3 Signal strength measuring
1. T he contr ol panel must have its antenna conne cted and it must be
in Service mode (If this is n ot the case, e nter *0 service code (fact ory
default: 8080 ). The contro l panel must be disarmed),
2. Key in 298, and t he lowest enrolled dev ice addres s is displ ayed
3. Trigger this device. The keypad (its cover shoul d be flipped open )
displays sign al quality ran ging from 1/4 to 4/4,
4. Use 1 and 7 key s to selec t other enrolle d devices an d measure
their signal streng th,
5. Exit signal measuring by pressin g the # key
The JA -80P and JA-85P motio n detectors ca n be tested max. 15
minutes after closi ng their cover. A fter that the detecto r ignore frequent
movements (see the det ector manual),
Measuring the signals fr om the JA-80L int ernal siren can be activ ated
by pressing it s button. The JA- 80A outdoor sire n and wireless k eypad
signal can be measured by triggering the IN input or t riggering it s cover
tamper switch,
Each inst alled dev ice should have the minimum si gnal strength of 2 /4.
If the signal is to o weak, the devi ce should be reloca ted or higher
control panel s ensitivity can be selected. (see 6.36) Alternativ ely, the
control panel can be equipped with an ex ternal antenna.
This measurement show s the strength of the signal received from the
device by the control pane l.
The w ireless key pad can be carr ied during dev ice testing , its tamper
contact can be disa bled via the jumper (nea r the tamper contact – do
not forget to re-enable t he tamper upon finishing th e servicing) – Note:
the keypad usua lly has a slightly shorter communic ation range than t he
detectors. The refore, if carried t o more-distant det ectors the trigg ering
of the detect ors might n ot be shown.
The mo st convenient w ay of measurin g is via a comp uter using OLin k
5.4 Erasing enrolled devices
1. T he control panel must be in Serv ice mode. If this is not the case ,
enter *0 serv ice code ( factory defa ult: 8080). T he control panel must be
2. Key in “1” to enter enrollment mode and selec t the desired addres s
of the dev ice you w ish to erase usi ng the ar row keys,
3. Press and ho ld the “2” key until a beep is heard and the A indicator
turns off,
4. When all the desired dev ices hav e been erase d press #.
To erase al l wireless devices, pre ss and hold t he “4” key in en rollment
If a wireless key pad is erased by the above mentio ned means, it st ops
communicating w ith the control pa nel and you must re-enrol it agai n
(see 3.4).
5.5 Enrolling the control panel to UC and AC
If you wish to tr ansmit PGX and P GY programmable ou tput signals t o the
UC-82 and AC -82 output modul es, you must enroll the cont rol panel to these
modules as foll ows:
1. T he control panel must be in Serv ice mode. If this is not the case ,
enter *0 serv ice code ( factory defa ult: 8080). T he control panel must be
2. Enter the c ontrol panel enrollment mode on the UC or AC module
(see the ma nual of the particu lar module),
3. Key in 299 on the control panel keypad – the LEDs on the module w ill
flash a few times.
we recomm end locati ng the module close to the control pane l during
enrollment o r carry the wireless key pad close to t he module,
the contr ol panel can be enrolled to the desired number of UC/A C
modules (each P G output can th us have an out put at an arbitrary
number of places i n the house),
PG outputs are enrolled to UC and AC modul e relays indiv idually (PG X
output to the X r elay, PGY output to the Y relay ). This means that
either one or both modules c an be enrolled t o the module if requested,
O nly one con trol panel can b e enrolled to a UC or AC receiver (a
control panel repeats its P G signal e very 9 minutes ).
6 Control pa nel programm ing
The most conv enient way to program the system is t o use a PC runni ng
OLink softw are. However, the sy stem can also be p rogrammed by keying in
the below menti oned seque nces. The se quence sum mary table ca n be found
at the end of this manual.
The control panel must hav e its antenna con nected and it mus t be in
Service mode (If this is not the case, enter *0 service code (facto ry
default: 8080 ). The contro l panel must be disarmed).