JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 8 - MKH51103
1. First enroll the sub contr ol panel to the desired a ddress in t he master
control pa nel by enteri ng 299 on the sub con trol panel’s keypad i n
Service Mode – see 5.1 for f ull details.
2. Switch the master control pane l to Service Mo de.
3. In t he sub cont rol panel, ente r enrollment mode by keying in “1” in
Service Mode and select t he desire d address.
4. In th e master control pane l enter 290. This w ay the control pa nel will
enroll to the sub control panel t o the desired ad dress as a rem ote
5. Switch both control p anels to maintenan ce mode and chec k that all-
section setting of the master control panel al so sets the sub control
panel and unset ting the master c ontrol panel u nsets the sub cont rol
panel too. Ex pect approximately 2 seconds of d elay between con trol
Notes for operat ing the sub control panel:
The sub control panel can still be oper ated indepen dently v ia its keyfob
or keypad e.g. it can be set while the mast er control panel is u nset. If
the master control panel changes it s status later on, it w ill then control
the sub control panel to ac hieve synchron isation.
To disable the master con trol panel’s abi lity to control t he sub contro l
panel, enter t he sub contro l panel’s enr ollment mode, s elect the
address w here the mast er control pa nel is enroll ed and er ase the
master control panel from this address by pressing and holding key 2.
T he status of the sub control pan el is not di splayed on t he master
control panel.
6.10 Master code reset
If the master co de has been f orgotten or a c ard lost, it is po ssible to us e
the follow ing sequence t o reset the master code to the factory -default 1234 :
2 9 1
Note: Resetting the mast er code has no effect on other codes a nd cards.
Resets are r ecorded in t he control pane l memory and sent to the ARC.
6.11 Enrollment to other devices (UC, AC)
Keying in 299 sends an enr ollment signa l to enrol l the contr ol panel to
UC-82 or AC-8 2 receiving modul es (see 5.5). This sequ ence can al so be
used to enroll a sub control panel to a master contro l panel (see 6.9).
6.12 Setting (Arming) without an access code
“Hot” setting key s (short-cut key s for setting) A , B, ABC or enterin g “
number” can be enabled for use without a v alid access code or card. If
disabled, then ho t key use or enterin g “ number” has to be foll owed by a
valid access code or card to have any effect:
Function/seque nce 301 300
All-section s etting
ABC key Code/card
Setting of A
A key A key , code/car d
Setting of AB (or B)
B key B key, code/card
Event memory recall
4 4 code/card
fig. 10 setting / arming with or without code
If you remotely opera te the system by mobile phone, y ou can press 1
for the ABC key , 2 for key A, and 3 f or key B.
Controlling t he PG outputs by keying in 8 or 9 or pre ssing ON and
#OFF is unaffec ted by these setti ngs. These key s can however be
disabled by a special seq uence (see 6.26 ).
Factory defa ult setting: Setting (a rming) without a n access cod e enabled.
6.13 Triggered-detector indication
Pressing the ? key checks if any detectors are per manently trigg ered,
e.g. if any doors or window s are open.
3 1 1 indication en abled
3 1 0 indi ca tion disab led
Factory defa ult setting: indication enabled
6.14 Confirmation of intruder alarms
To reduce the r isk of false ala rms and to comply with British stand ard BSI
DD243, the control pan el allows alarm confirm ation logic to be enabl ed as
3 2 1 confirmation lo gic enabled
3 2 0 con f irmation logic disabled
Confirmation logic:
If the system is s et (armed) and any intruder detector ge ts triggered,
i.e. a detector w ith an inst ant, delay ed, or next-dela yed reaction, an
alarm will not b e caused but th e control p anel will reco rd a so-call ed
unconfirmed al arm.
If any other intruder detector is tri ggered in a set section within 40
minutes of the abov e event, an intrude r alarm will be trigg ered. If no
other detector is triggered d uring this pe riod, the cont rol panel will st op
waiting for c onfirmation.
The a larm must be c onfirmed by another dete ctor than the first one. If
the same ty pe of detector is used f or confirmation thenthei r detection
area must not cov er the same are a.. This must be ensur ed by the
proper location of det ectors.
An un confirmed ala rm is recorded in control pane l memory but ca n
also be sent t o the ARC, or t o the user by SMS report .
If the first trig gered detect or has a delay ed reaction, it will start a so-
called unconf irmed entrance delay. This delay is indicated the sam e
way as an ordinary entrance dela y., If no other delay ed detector is
triggered duri ng this delay , there will be no a larm. If the entr ance delay
is exceededthe unconfirmed ala rm is recorded in t he control panel
memory. If there is any other delayed or next-delay ed detector
triggered duri ng the entrance delay period , it will confirm the e ntrance
delay, and if this del ay is exceeded (due to no un setting being don e) it
will trigger a n intruder al arm at the end of the delay.
If a d elayed detec tor is triggered w ithin 40 minut es after the t riggering
of an unconfirme d alarm or the moment the unconfirmed e ntrance
delay is ex ceeded, the confirmed entrance del ay starts runni ng and
when it times out (due to no unsetti ng being done) , an intruder alarm is
If the unconfirmed entrance delay is confirmed by an instant dete ctor it
will trigger an i nternal warnin g (IW) alarm immediat ely (e.g. an i nternal
siren) and if the entr ance delay times ou t then an external alarm (E W)
will be trigge red.
An unconfirmed alarm can be confirmed by any other intrud er detectors
in the system a s long as t he detectors are assigne d to a set (arm ed)
The confir mation of intruder alarms co ncerns only detec tors with
instant, delay ed, or next-del ayed reactions . It has no effect on fi re,
panic, 24-hou r, tamper, or te chnical alarms. T hese alarms ar e triggered
immediately w ithout con firmation.
Note: When the first detector i s triggered it be gins a process w hich waits 40
minutes for any possible co nfirmation of the alarm (u nconfirmed ala rm status)
during which the system w orks exactly the same way as if the confi rmation
function had not been enabled.
Warning: If intruder alarm confirmation is en abled, it is n ecessary to install
enough detecto rs in the building to dete ct an intruder ev en if he/she is only
moving in one particula r place.
Factory defa ult setting: confirmati on disabled
6.15 Exit delay beeps
The exit delay can be indicat ed by beeps fr om the keypad a nd interna l
wireless sire n. The beeps get faster in the last 5 se conds.
3 3 1 Beeps enabl ed
3 3 0 Beeps disabled
Factory defa ult setting: Beeps enabled .
6.16 Exit delay beeps while partially setting (arming)
The exit delay caused by partial s etting, e.g. usi ng the A or B key , can
also be indicat ed by keypad b eeps and inter nal-siren beeps. The bee ps get
faster in the l ast 5 secon ds. The feat ure is linked to 331 paramet er setting.
3 4 1 Beeps enabl ed
3 4 0 Beeps disabled
Factory defa ult setting: Beeps di sabled.
6.17 Entrance delay beeps
The entrance delay can be i ndicated by keypad bee ps and int ernal-sire n
3 5 1 Beeps enabl ed
3 5 0 Beeps disabled
Factory defa ult setting: Beeps enabled .
6.18 Setting (arming) confirmed by wired-siren chirp
A hard-wired sir en connected to t he IW terminal of the cont rol panel can
audibly indica te setting by one beep, unsett ing by two b eeps and unsetti ng
after an alarm by three beeps. Four bee ps mean an invalid att empt at setting
the syste m has occurred.
3 6 1 Chirps enabled
3 6 0 Chirps disabled
Note: In JA-80L wireless si rens, this func tion can be indiv idually enab led for
each sire n. (see the siren ma nual).
Factory defa ult setting: Hard-wired s iren chirps disabl ed
6.19 Sirens always sound during audible alarms
Using this se quence it is possible t o disable i nternal and ex ternal siren s
(IW and EW) if a ny part of the sy stem is unset (p artial setting ), i.e. when
someone is home .