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When performing the adjusting and servicing described in detail, always be
aware that the instructions and information only refer to this SCOTT speed
Keep in mind that your SCOTT speed pedelec is a type-approved speed
pedelec. Its assembly must practically remain unchanged.
The information included here is not applicable to other pedelecs, speed
pedelecs or e-bike types. Due to the variety of designs and model changes
the routines described may require complementary information. It is essen-
tial to also observe the manuals of the component manufacturers on the
SCOTT web page.
Be aware that these instructions may require further explanation, depending
on the experience and/or skills of the person doing the work. For some jobs
you may require additional (special) tools or supplementary instructions.
This manual cannot teach you the skills of a bicycle or motorbike mechanic.
If you have the slightest doubt, ask your SCOTT dealer.
Before you set off, let us point out a few things to you that are very im-
portant to every bicycle and speed pedelec rider: Never ride without an
adequate and approved protection helmet and glasses (e) and take care
to always wear suitable, bright clothing. As a minimum you should wear
straight cut trousers or use trouser clips (f) and shoes fitting the mounted
pedal system. Always ride on public roads and observe the traffic rules so
considerate as not to endanger yourself or others.
This manual cannot teach you riding a speed pedelec. Be aware that riding a
speed pedelec is a potentially dangerous activity, especially on public roads.
You should therefore be able to always stay in control of your SCOTT speed
pedelec. Be aware from the moment you set off that you ride at clearly higher
speed. Always keep this fact in mind and ride anticipatory and considerately!
Like any sport, riding a speed pedelec involves the risk of injury. When you
set off on a SCOTT speed pedelec you should be aware of this risk and
accept it. Always keep in mind that on a SCOTT speed pedelec you have
no safety devices around you like you have in a car (e.g. bodywork, ABS or
airbag). Therefore, always ride carefully and respect the other traffic partici-
Dear SCOTT customer,
In purchasing this SCOTT speed pedelec (a-c) you have chosen a product
of high quality. Each component of your new SCOTT speed pedelec was
designed, manufactured and assembled with great care and expertise. Your
SCOTT dealer finished the assembly of the speed pedelec and carried out a
functional check to guarantee proper operation and many enjoyable riding
experiences with complete peace of mind from the very first metres enjoy-
ing the tailwind due to the auxiliary drive.
Note that SCOTT speed pedelecs are not bicycles but two-wheeled mopeds.
This results in far-reaching consequences as to obligations, such as carrying
a driving licence, wearing a helmet and compulsory insurances etc.
This manual contains a wealth of information on the proper operation and
the permitted range of use of your SCOTT speed pedelec as well as a lot of
things worth knowing about speed pedelec technology, its maintenance and
care. Read this manual thoroughly. We are sure that even if you have been
riding bicycle or pedelec all your life you will find it worthwhile. It has been
in particular the speed pedelec technology that has led to a rapid further
development of bicycles in recent years (d). Therefore, before setting off on
your new SCOTT speed pedelec for the first time you should read at least
the chapters “Tests before your first ride”, “Intended use of your SCOTT
speed pedelec” and “Useful facts for riding a SCOTT speed pedelec”.
To ensure fun and safety during cycling, be sure to carry out the functional
check described in the chapter “Tests before every ride” before setting off
on your SCOTT speed pedelec.
Even a manual as big as an encyclopaedia could not describe any possible
combination of speed pedelec models and components or parts on the mar-
ket. Therefore, this manual together with the system instructions of the drive
manufacturer BOSCH and the translation of the detailed original SCOTT
operating instructions trekking and trekking pedelec focus on your newly
purchased SCOTT speed pedelec and standard components and provide
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