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17 І 24
j) Always hold the tool by its insulated handles when
the insertion tool may come into contact with hid-
den power lines or with the power cord of the pow-
er tool. Contact with live lines may energise metaI tool
parts and cause electric shock.
k) Keep the power cord away from rotating insertion
tools. lf you lose control of the power tool, the power
cord may be cut or trapped, and your hand or arm may
get into the path of the rotating insertion tool..
l) Never put aside the power tool before the com-
plete halt ofthe insertion tool. Rotating insertion
tools may get in contact with the place of deposit thus
causing the loss of control of the tool.
m)Switch oft the power tool while you carry it
around. Your clothes may be trapped when uninten-
tionally getting in contact with the rotating insertion
tool and the insertion tool may penetrate your body.
n) The ventilationslots of your power tool must be
cleaned on a regular basis. The motor fan sucks in
dust, and the accumulation of metaI dust may cause
electrical risks.
o) Do not use the power tool in the vicinity of inam-
mable materials. Sparks may ignite these materials.
p) Do not use insertion tools which require liquid
coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may
cause electric shock.
Further safety notes for all applications - kickback
and corresponding safety notes
A kickback is the sudden reaction caused by rotating
insertion tools such as a grinding disk, grinding plate,
wire brush, etc. which has got caught or which blocks.
Getting caught or blocking results in the immediatestop
of the rotating insertion tool. This accelerates the un-
controlled power tool against the rotary direction of the
insertion tool.
lf for example a grinding disk gets caught or blocks in
the work piece, the edge of the grinding disk which pen-
etrates the work piece may get caught, the grinding disk
will make a sudden movement or cause a kickback. As a
result, the grinding disk moves towards the operator or
away from the operator, depending on the rotary direc-
tion ofthe disk when it blocks. This may also cause the
fracture of grinding disks.
Kickbacks are the result of the improper or incorrect use
of power tools. Kickbacks can be avoided when observ-
ing the following precautionary measures.
a) Hold the power tool rmly in your hands and bring
your body and arms in a position which allows you
to adequately react to kickback forces. Always use
the additional handle, if available. This ensures you
the utmost control of kickback forces or reaction tor-
ques when starting your power tool. When taking ap-
propriate precautions, the operator is in the position
to control kickback and reaction forces.
b) Keep your hands away from rotating insertion
tools. The insertion tool may move over your hand in
the event of a kickback.
Safety notes for all applications- General safe-
ty notes for grinding, sanding, working with wire
brushes, polishing and cutting by grinding
a) This power tool must be used as a sandpaper
grinder. Observe all safety notes, instructions, illus-
trations and data which are provided together with the
tool. Nonobservance oft he following instructions may
result in electric shock, re and/or severe injury.
b) This power tool is not suited for grinding, Opera-
tions with wire brushes, polishing and cutting by
grinding. Using the power tool for applications other
than the intended ones may result in risks and injury.
c) Only use accessory parts especially provided for
this tool and recommended by the manufacturer.
The mere fact that you can mount accessory parts to
your power tool does not ensure safe use.
d) The permissible speed of the insertion tool must
be at least as high as the maximum speed speci-
ed on the power tool. Accessories with a higher
speed may break and y off.
e) The outer diameter and the thickness of the inser-
tion tool must comply with the dimensions speci-
ed on your power tool. lt is not possible to shield
or control insertion tools with different dimensions.
f) Grinding disks, anges, grinding plates or other
accessory parts must exactly mate the grinding
spindie of your power tool. Insertion tools which do
not exactly mate the grinding spindle of your powertool
will perform irregular rotations, cause high vibrations
and thus the loss of control.
g) Do not use damaged insertion tools. Prior to each
application, you must check insertion tools such
as grinding disks for chippings and cracks, grind-
ing plates for cracks, wear or major abrasion, wire
brushes for loose or broken wires. lf the power
tool or insertion tool falls down, you must check it
for damages, or use an undamaged insertion tool.
After you have checked and inserted the insertion
tool, both you and persans in the vicinity must
stay out of the Ievel of the rotating insertion tool,
and the tool must be operated at maximum speed
for one minute. Most of the damaged insertion tools
will break within this test period.
h) Wear personal protective equipment. Depending
on the application of the power tool, you must
wear a full face shield, eye protection or goggles.
lf appropriate, you must wear a dust mask, hearing
protection, protective gloves or a special apron
which protects you against small grinding chips
and material particles. Protect your eyes against for-
eign objects which y off du ring different operations.
The purpose of dust masks and breathing equipment
is to lter the dust generated during the operation.
Long-term exposure to high noise pollution may cause
hearing loss.
i) Make sure that other persons stay a safe distance
away from your working area. Persons access-
ing your working area must wear personal protective
equipment. Fragments of the work piece or broken in-
sertion tools may y off and cause injury even outside
the direct working area.

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