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18 І 24
Warning! This electric tool generates an electromag-
netic eld du ring operation which may impair active or
passive medical implants under certain circumstances.
ln order to reduce the risk of severe or Iethal injury, we
recommend that persons with medical implants consult
their doctor and the manufacturer of the medical implant
before using the power tool.
Tool description and scope of delivery
Tool description (Fig.1)
The tool description refers to the illustration at the begin-
ning of this instruction manual.
1. Handle surface
2. Main handle
3. On/off switch
4. Adapter with connecting nut
5 Powercord
6. Adjustment wheel for speed pre-selection
7. Ventilation opening
8. Flexible grinding head
9. Grinding plate
10. Brush edge
11. Extraction hose
12. Hoseadapter
13. Abrasive sheet
14. LED-Light
Scope of delivery (Fig.1)
1 drywall sander
1 extraction hose (1 1)
2 hose adaptor (1 2)
6 abrasive sheets (1 3) (different grain sizes)
Before start-up
1. Open the packaging and carefully takeout the power
2. Remave the packaging material as weil as the pack-
aging I transport Iacks (if any).
3. Check the scope of delivery for completeness and
check the power tool and the accessory parts for
transport damage.
Note: Do not start the power tool if you notice that parts
are missing or damaged. Contact the retailer where you
purchased this power tool.
4. Store the packaging until the end of the warranty pe-
riod, if possible. Piease dispose ofthe packaging in
accordance with environmental regulations and take
it to a recycling depot.
Neither power tools nor packaging materials are
toys! Children must not play with plastic bags, foils
and small parts! Danger of swallowing and suffo-
- Fold the front and back parttagether (Fig.2). And then
tighten the screw nut. (Fig.3).
- The Iongest length installation Insert the additional han-
dle to the end of the machine. And then turn the screw
nut on the end ofthe machine for tightening. (Fig.4)
c) Keep your body away from the area where the
power tool may move in the event of a kickback.
Kickbacks always move the power tool in opposite
direction to the movement of the grinding disk at the
spot where it blocks.
d) Corners, sharp edges, etc. must be processed
with special care. Make sure that the insertion tool
does not bounce back from or get trapped on the work
piece. The rotating insertion tool tends to jam in cor-
ners, at sharp edges or when it bounces back. This
may cause the loss of control or a kickback.
e) Do not use chain rings or toothed saw blades.
These insertion tools frequently cause kickbacks or
the loss of control of your power tool.
Additional safety notes regarding grinding with
sandpaper- Special safety notes regarding grinding
with sandpaper
a) Do not use oversized abrasive sheets; always ob-
serve the manufacturer‘s specications for abra-
sive sheet dimensions. Abrasive sheets protruding
the grinding plate may cause injury or result in the
blocking or tearing apart of the abrasive sheet or in
Additional safety notes
a) Connect a vacuum cleaner to the supplied adapter
before starting your operations.
b) Attention! Keep away grinding dust from open Iire.
Dust may be explosive.
c) Always wear goggles and a dust mask when grinding,
in particular du ring overhead work and when process-
ing critical materials! When grinding certain materi-
als (e .g.lead paint, certain types of wood and metaI)
harmful or noxious dust may be generated. Touching
or breathing in such dust may imply risks for the op-
erator or people in the vicinity.
Notes regarding vibration and noise emissions
Reduce noise emissions and vibrations to a minimum!
1. Only use power tools which are free of defects.
2. Maintain and clean the power tool on a regular basis.
3. Adjust your way of working to the power tool.
4. Do not overload your power tool.
5.Have your power tool inspected, if necessary.
6. Switch off the power tool when it is not in use.
Remaining risks
Even if you use this power tool in compliance with the
regulations, there arestill remaining risks. The follow-
ing risks may occur due to the type and design of the
power tool:
a) Damage caused to your health resulting from hand/arm
vibrations if the power tool is used over a Ionger period
of time or if it is not properly used and maintained.
b) lnjury and damage to property caused by ying off inser-
tion tools which are unexpectedly expelled from the power
tool due to sudden damage, wear or incorrect insertion.
c) Burns and cuts if the insertion tools are touched di-
rectly after use and/or with your bare hands.

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