Example: Temperature Switch
Temperature sensor T2: No
Temperature T1 min: 55 °C
Temperature T1 max: 60 °C
T-PRO extended running: 2 minutes
If the temperature at temperature sensor T1 is lower than
the preset temperature of 55
C, the contact will close.
When the temperature rises to 60 °C at sensor T1, the
contact will reopen after the set extended running time of
2 minutes.
2.8 T-PRO 2
This function is not available with the CONTROL 601
Main Menu 12:34
T – PRO 2 Input
A simpler temperature switch can be achieved using the
T e m p e r a t u r e
MIN: 0…100°C
T e m p e r a t u r e
MAX: 0…140°C
The minimum and maximum values at which the „T-PRO
2“ should switch over are entered here. When the maxi-
mum set temperature is exceeded at the temperature sen-
sor the contact is opened. If the temperature falls below the
set minimum temperature the contact is closed. See the
Temperature Switch Example under paragraph 2.7.
T – P R O 2 Extended Running Time:
0..6 0 M I N.
The „T-PRO 2“ function will only be deactivated once the
extended running time has expired.
Use T – P R O 2 Time Switch:
Yes / No
If the time switch option „Yes“ is set the T-PRO 2 will only
be active during the two set time periods.
T – P R O 2:
Each Day/Every Day/Weekend-
The time switch is set as described in paragraph 2.4.1.
2.9 Service Menu
Main Menu 12:34
S e r v i c e
Time 12:34
O k : hours/ minutes + / -
The time can be set here. Using the „-" and „+" keys the
hour can be set first, and once confirmed and entered by
pressing „OK“, the minutes can be set.
M o n d a y
Todays’s day - +
On first commissioning the actual day is entered here.
Set Factory Settings?
If „Set Factory Settings“ is confrimed with OK the regulator
will be set to it’s original factory settings and will operate
using its factor set base values (Variation 1).
Save Programme?
Load Saved Programme?
Settings particular to the customer can be saved and re-
loaded here.
Manual Operation?
All functions can be activated manually here.
Manually operated settings have priority. That is, pump,
valve or mixer functions can be switched on when that
particular function is switched off under another menu
point or even if that function is disrupted.
Example: Solar Pump Manual Operation
On: The solar pump is switched on permanently.
Off: The solar pump is switched off.
Auto: The regulator controls the solar hot water loading
to the thermal store following the settings.
If the hot water back up heating and the boiler func-
tions are activated manually by „on“ they switch back
to „Auto“ operation after 10 minutes automatically.
Any part of the system should only be switched on
manually for short periods and for test purposes. Con-
tinual running will lead to damage to the system or it’s
components because the safety functions are being
over ridden.
Block the Professional Menu?
After confirming this option with OK entry to some of the
input menus will be blocked and only accessible with a